Okey, þetta er ekki beint smásaga því ég á eftir að bæta fullt við hana. Þetta er framtíðarsaga. Útí geimnum eru svona geimskip með fólki sem heldur friðnum í geimnum (þessi setnig hljómaði alls ekki einkennilega). Þar á meðal eru Zen, Derek, Rita og Zack. Ég vil endilega benda á að ég á eftir að lagfæra og lesa yfir söguna allmenniolega og breyta einhverjum nöfnum. Þetta er á ensku. En gjöriði svo endilega vel að lesa hana.

Aftur vil ég minna á að það eru líklega einhverjar villur og setningar sem hljóma fáránlega en ekki fara að benda mér á eitthvað svoleiðis. Ég les þetta yfir seinna. Þetta er bara svona hugmyndin bakvið þetta.

Chapter 1: Infected

It was like hundreds of knives pierced my body. Perhaps Dr. Edward was right. I had been infected by the Morphs too like those people from the space station Wock II. I felt sick. I could feel blood flooding through my neck and out of my mouth. A lot of it gushed over Rita who stood in front of me. She was telling me to listen to Dr. Edward. The feeling was the same as when you’re throwing up. My feet became numb. They couldn’t hold my heavy body up. I collapsed on my knees. More blood gushed out of my mouth. I could see Rita’s feet stepping away from me. Was she afraid of me? Did she think I would begin to act like those people from the space station? No, I won’t. Maybe I’ll get shot too. It would probably be for the best. Instead of allowing me to rampage the place like a frickin’ zombie like those people.
The blood kept gushing out of my mouth. Before I knew it, I felt like I was falling down. I was probably falling on the floor. I don’t remember it. I only remember when I awoke in the Medical Lab afterwards. The only thing I remember back then was the pain and the feeling of falling.

The first person I saw was Dr. Edward looking right into my eyes with a mask over his mouth and nose and glasses over his eyes. Although my head felt extremely heavy, I looked around. There were a lot of other doctors in the room all looking at me and even with their masks on; I could see their concerned looks.
I kinda expected Dr. Edward to ask me how I felt, but instead he said that the situation was like he suspected. I wanted to ask him what happened but then suddenly, I felt tired. My head dropped to the side and I fell to sleep instantly…

I awoke in another room. Totally different from the Medical Lab. This time, Rita was the first person I saw. Like the doctors, she was very concerned. Dr. Edward and Derek and Zack, two of my best friends were there too. Unlike Dr. Edward, Rita asked me how I felt. Before I could answer, Rita turned around as the door to the room opened and Michael walked in. I didn’t expect him to be concerned; actually, the look on his face didn’t surprise me at all. He looked angry as always. Not even the thing he said surprised me one bit. ,,There’s trouble around you as usual”.
Michael thinks of himself as the boss of this place and he kinda dislikes me. I know the reason why he does.

I sat up. Rita asked me again how I felt. I told her I felt kinda dizzy. I asked how the situation was. Dr. Edward was quick to respond to my question.
,,It seems you were infected by the Metamorphs from you’re visit to Wock II. Luckily, the creature hadn’t completely infested inside you, so we managed to save you by processing a Sero virus with one of the Metamorpth’s victim’s blood to create a vaccine for use against those insects.”

Two years ago, I was sent on a mission to exterminate an aggressive life form, which had completely erased a whole planet of all other life. This life form came to be known as the Sero Virus and that incident was called the Sero Plaque. The Seros were able to infest inside a creature as a virus and take over the host. I succeeded in defeating all the Seros including a very large form of Sero that was thought to be the queen of all the other Seros, The Sero Queen. I barely escaped from the planet with my life as the Superior Government, a government that took all the decisions about any actions to be taken in the galaxy, ordered the planet destroyed. There were other governments in the galaxy, which sent requests to the Superior Government about an action, which had to be taken in the galaxy. It was the Superior Government’s decision whether the request was approved or not. But no government sent any requests about destroying the planet. That was the Superior Government’s own decision. And although many of the people sent on the Sero Extermination Mission (SEM) were still on the planet, it was destroyed without a warning. If I would have been a second too late starting my vessel and evacuating, I would have been blown up with the planet and the hundreds of people who went with it.
,,Edward, you used a Sero Virus and the blood from a Metamorph’s victim to heal me from the Metamorph infection. But how?”
,,You remember how aggressive the Sero Virus was. The Seros attacked all other life forms it came across. I figured it might attack the Metamorph Virus too if I would just move the two viruses close to each other. And it worked. The Sero erased the Metamorph from you’re body. Although…”
,,The Sero Virus?”
,,Unfortunately Zen, the Sero was left in you’re body. It quickly began infesting you’re heart and we couldn’t get rid of it with the normal Sero Vaccine. We’ve never experienced a Sero infesting inside a life form so quickly before.
,,What are you saying…Edward?”
,,I’m saying that…unless we find a way to eliminate the virus after infestation, it will most likely grow and mature inside you and…take over your body.”
,,In other words, I will die by the hands of a Sero Virus you put inside me. I’ll turn into an aggressive creature. I’ll kill anything in sight until some of you kill me.”

The Sero Virus. Viruses that infested and matured inside a living organism until they grew big enough to take over the host and use it, as it’s own body. It was the Sero’s way to live. And after receiving a body, the Sero’s rampage begun, it’s mission killing all other life forms. It’s like they want to be the only living creature in the universe.
Then there’s the newly discovered virus, the Metamorphosis Virus, a.k.a Metamorph. Like the Sero, the Metamorphs infest and evolve inside humans and other organisms until they soon begin to take over their body. To be able to keep the body going, they need to feed. Soon after the Metamorph Virus was discovered, we got a signal from the space station Wock II where researches were taking place. It was an emergency signal and we were sent to investigate the problem. At the station, we found a lot of broken glass vials. Soon after, the staffs, the researchers of the station attacked us. They acted like zombies. Their cloths and skin were all ripped, their eyes were filled with blood and their chest was open like a gaping mouth of a hungry beast. We shot at them. It took thirty bullets or even more just to kill one of them. I saw many of my men getting eaten by those beasts. When I looked at Eric, my friend getting eaten by one of them, I lost my concentration and was bitten in my left foot by one of the staffs I thought I had already killed.
When we thought we had killed all the staffs, our teammates who were bitten attacked us. I told everyone to evacuate and return to the ship. I sent a message to Luminous, our space station and told them to destroy Wock II after we left. When I reached the ship and we took off, Eric came running toward the ship. He didn’t act like one of ,,them”. He just acted like a normal human. But it was too late. We had already taken off. I told the pilot to land and get Eric aboard, but it was too late. We managed to evacuate just before the shot came from Luminous and destroyed the space station. Before impact, I could see Eric down there getting eaten by our teammates.

Leon, one of us managed to take one of the dead staffs aboard the ship. When we got back to Luminous, Dr. Edward inspected the corpse. He came to a conclusion that a Metamorph Virus infested inside the staff, fed on his flesh and took over his body. We all knew from that point that the virus must have infected our teammates when staffs of the space station bit them. That’s when the attention was brought to me. I was sent to an inspection. A virus was found inside me. Dr. Edward eliminated it using a Sero Virus and now that virus is stuck inside me.

The Sero has infested my heart and is evolving inside me. It will grow for weeks until it finally takes over my body. I was getting scared. If I turn into such a beast, I might attack my friends and everyone in Luminous. Maybe Michael will order me killed before that. I looked at him. He still looked angry.
,,What are you going to do Michael?”
He didn’t even answer. He just left the room.
,,What did you mean by that?” Rita asked me.
,,A Sero Virus has infested inside me. After only few weeks, I will turn into a dreadful beast. I’ll probably attack everyone in Luminous, including you. I was kinda hoping Michael would order me…executed before that time comes.”
,,What? No. Why. It’s not true. You won’t become anything dreadful.”
,,I’ll probably only live for few more weeks before the Sero takes over my body. I don’t want to hurt anyone when the time comes, especially not you or my friends.”
,,Don’t worry. They’ll find a way. They must find a way.”

The next two days and nights, I didn’t sleep nor eat anything. Everyone in Luminous looked at me when I passed them. Michael sent Zack, Derek and Rita on a mission. I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. All my friends sent on the same mission after a virus infects me. Clearly, Michael wanted them away from me. I can understand him. I can understand that he doesn’t want Rita to be near me now. But why did he have to send Zack and Derek too? I spent most of my time in my room. I tried to speak to Michael, but I wasn’t allowed to do so. And it was always the same reason: ,,He’s busy right now”.

Two days later, Derek, Zack and Rita returned from the mission. The same day I was supposed to go to the Medic Lab for an inspection. They came to my room shortly before I was supposed to go there. We talked for a bit. I asked them how the mission went. They said it went great and it wasn’t even a difficult mission.
So Michael had sent three S-Rank Lunar Soldiers to an easy mission.
After a five-minute talk, Derek asked me a question I’ve heard for four days: ,,How are you feeling?”. When I heard the question coming out of Derek’s mouth, I got angry, for some reason. I told them I’ve heard that same question enough times and stormed out of my room. They came after me. Derek and Zack stopped by the door to my room but Rita ran after me and stopped me.
,,Zen, please wait.”
,,I’ve got enough of this question. It’s the only thing I’m asked these days. I’m not gonna die Rita.”
,,We know that. We all know that. But why are you so upset? He only asked you how you felt. I believe you’ll survive this, I’m sure of it, but we’re still worried about you.”
,,Everything has been going bad lately. It begins when I abandon Eric in the space station. I get infected by a virus and Michael doesn’t want my friends around me anymore.”
,,What do you mean by that?”
,,Come on Rita. Surely you know what I’m talking about. Do you think it’s a coincidence that Michael sends the three of you, my friends, S-Rank Lunar Soldiers on an easy mission after I get infected?”
Rita stood there speechless.
,,I’m going to the Medic Lab for an inspection” I continued and walked away from her, towards the Medic Lab.

Chapter 2: The Real Threat

I’ve no idea what was done to me in the Medic Lab. I was asleep the whole time. I know Michael was there. A day passed. Derek, Rita and Zack were sent on another mission together. Another day passed. After eating in the lounge, I went to my room. I was very tired. I wanted to sleep. But someone disturbed me by entering my room. It was Michael. I asked him what he wanted. I tried to sound as annoyed as I possibly could. Then it came. Right out of his mouth. Words I’ll never forget:
,,I’m sending you on a mission Zen.”
What!? He was sending me on a mission. With the Sero Virus crawling inside my body.
,,You gotta be kiddin’. What do you think I can possibly do on a mission in my current state? Or was there a good result from the inspection before?”
,,That doesn’t have anything to do with it. I’m sending you on a mission whether you like it or not.”
,,Hmm, perhaps you’re finally confessing I’m a valuable Lunar Soldier.”
,,Shut up Zen. Come with me to the Briefing Room B-12 for the mission briefing.”

Only three persons were waiting for me in the Briefing Room, Leon, Michael and his father, Valentine. He was 64 years old. He is the real headman in Luminous. Always wearing the same suit and the same tie. He isn’t seen much unless something big is going on. I started thinking why only the three of them were in the room. This has to be a very small mission.
In the Briefing Room, Valentine explained the mission for me. I was to be sent to investigate a small spaceship, which has been out of communications for a long time. I was sitting in a ship with Leon now. He was ordered to take me to the spaceship. When we reached it, I figured it right away that this mission wasn’t small. Leon landed in a small opened docking bay. I jumped out onto the edge of the narrow platform Leon had landed on.
,,So, are you going to wait here for me?” I asked Leon.
,,Of course. Just finish this off and come back as soon as possible. I don’t want to wait here too long.”
I jumped off the platform and headed toward a control tower close by which managed everything in the docking bay. The control room was kinda messed up. I pressed a switch and the large shutter leading further into the spaceship opened.

The whole place was in ruins. Something terrible happened here. More soldiers should have been sent to investigate this space ship. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t find any people onboard. But in one of the corridors I found blood and a ventilation system hatch had been ripped open. I kept walking forward until I got into a hallway with five rooms. From the looks of these rooms, they were some sorts of research labs. There were broken glass vials scattered around the rooms and the floor tiles were different coloured in areas where chemicals must have dropped on them. There was no sign of an accidental explosion but parts of the glass surronding the rooms were shattered and some blood could be found both in the hallway and inside the rooms. An electric door was half open down the hallway. I slipped through it and ended up in a corridor with glass on my left side. Beyond it was a small area with plants. Small ventilations were spewing yellow fume inside. I inched along through the space ship this way using my shoulder lamp to get through the few dark rooms I had to go through until I ended up in a gigantic hallway, which probably connected the various areas of the spaceship. When I was halfway towards the centre of the hall, an empty soda can rolled from underneath the large staircase, which lead to the second floor. I moved my eyes towards the root of the staircase. A dog came from underneath the staircase and turned towards me. But that was no ordinary dog. Something was wrong. I could almost feel pain from its yellow gleaming eyes. Streaks of blood covered its teared, rotten skin and it’s gaping maw and bloodthirsty teeth told me it was really hungry. After this thought, the dog-like creature leapt to my direction. I was quick to react. I grabbed one of my two trusty revolvers from my belt and shot the dog in the head while it was airbourne. It fell instantly about two metres backward and onto the floor. After few short seconds, the creature got back up on its feet. It stared at me. Again, the creature began running towards me. I raised my revolver again and began shooting it like crazy. It began falling backwards ‘cause of the power from the bullets’ impact and finally fell to the floor.
I examined my revolver and saw there were only two bullets left. I had wasted a whole clip on that single creature. I grabbed one of the extra clips from my sidepack, reloaded the revolver and put it back into the belt. There wasn’t much blood in the area, despite all the bullets that hit it. I walked slowly to the creature and examined it for a couple of minutes. There was no doubt about it, that this creature was once an ordinary dog. When I looked back to my mission six days ago in the Wock II space station, I could see the resemblance between this dog and the people that had been infected by the Metamorph virus. I didn’t want to believe that the Metamorphs had eradicated this place like the Wock II and killed every living organism inside. But as I was about to open one of the doors on the first floor, I knew I couldn’t hope for the best. The truth was, that the Metamorphs had really attacked this place and probably infected all the people here and not only people, animals too. I got the feeling I was on the brink of revealing a big mystery involving the Metamorphs. And I knew, I getting sent alone on a spaceship full of aggressive Metamorph viruses, was not a coincidence…

Chapter 3: The Truth