Endilega leiðréttið mínar stafsetninga og málfræðivillur!!
fara yfir takk!:) og öll góð ráð, skítköst og vel þegin:D
Melissa was a babysitter and babysat one time two kids, Amy and Jason. They were watching tv but then, unsuspected a commercial came and said that the popstar Kelly Clarksson was intorducing her new album at the mall at two o'clock. Melissa pointed at the tv and said they better hurry or else they would miss it. They all sprang out of the door and into Melissa's car driving to the mall, Melissa was óþreyjufull to get there in time to get a descent wiew. Onfortuntly there were too many and nobody of them saw a clue. Mellissa thought to her self she had just blewn her chance too make a good inpresion for Amy and Jason wish had a sad inpresion on their face. But then..at the parking lot on the way home, Kelly was walking towards her limmo but slowed down looking for somthing in her bag and Melissa could'n helt to run up to her, ask for an autograph for Amy and Jason wish she gladly did.