Ástæða þess að Ally McBeal er reyndar flóknari en þið látið í ljós:
Alfred Boonspear, formaður D.D.Sl.:
“It was a mutual agreement, between myself and mr. Kelley, that it would no longer be possible to produce Ally McBeal because of technical reasons.”
Reyndar er í sömu grein vitnað í Carl Blomqvist, samstarfsmann David E. Kelley:
“Obviously the technical requirements are not met by today´s standards. Considering that the SECAM standard only has 625 lines and it is quite clear that since Calista Flockheart is getting constantly thinner nothing short of HDTV can render her increasingly thin lines.”
Mazhura Hiraka, talsmaður Sony segir svo seinna:
“Today´s standards are beginning to show their flaws. I am really amazed that Ally McBeal was the first entertainment program that ran across the definition problem in today´s TV sets. I don´t know who is to blame, but we here at Sony are doing our best to bring tomorrows standards to regular consumers.”
Þar hafiði það, Calista Flockheart er of mjó til að sjást í Sjónvarpinu!