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Cheat: Cheat List
During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C to bring up the cheats console. Enter the codes below for the desired effect.
* force service sim [x] - A specific service Sim will show up, where [x] is a name
* Add to Household - Add the active Sim to the current household
* constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
* Force Event - Click on a Career Building for a random career event
* Force All Events - Click on a Career Building to display all events for the career consecutively
* Force Opportunity - Click on a Career Building to force an opportunity
* force visitor - Summon a visitor
* set career [x] - Give the selected Sim a career, where [x] is the career
* Set Career [x] - Give the selected Sim any career at any level where [x] is the career / level
* shazaam - Gives 2,500 Lifetime Happiness Points to active Sim
* enableLlamas - Enables llamas, obviously
* jokePlease - Summon a joke
* hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] - Hide all meters and effects
* Modify Traits - Bring up Trait Modification window
* quit - Quit the game
* help - Lists all available commands
* Make Me Know Everyone - Everyone in your town becomes an acquaintance
* make happy - Gives household perfect moods
* make motives [static/dynamic] - Makes motives static or dynamic for whole Household
* make friends for me - Selected Sim knows everyone in town
* slowMotionViz [x] - Slow motion, where [x] is 0-8 (0 is normal)
* resetSim [x] - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home where [x] is first and last name
* Set Age [x] - Set the age of selected Sim, where age is [x]
* fps [on/off] - Toggles frames per second in upper right of HUD
* Edit in CAS - Edit the selected Sim in Create-A-Sim
* freerealestate - Turn off house costs
* napObjectsToAngle [true/false] - Toggles 45 degree angle object snap
* snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] - Toggles snap to grid for placed objects
* fadeObjects [on/off] - Toggles object fade when camera zooms
* testingcheatsenabled - Turns on Testing Cheats, for Sims (Shift click) and objects
* disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] - Hold Alt to avoid object snap when toggled
* kaching - While on the lot, this gives you $1,000
* motherlode - While on the lot, this gives you $50,000
* moveobjects on/off - Move anything (including Sims) in your Buy/Build mode