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Today SimPE version 0.60 was released to the public, this version is able to handle the expansion pack “Pets”.
Aside of the neccessary extensive changes due to the advent of Pets, from this version on SimPE is compiled against the .NET framework 2.0 (and not it’s predecessor .NET 1.1). This means that you have to install the .NET Framewok 2.0 before you are able to use SimPE 0.60. .NET 2.0 and 1.1 can reside together on you computer without any problems.
Warning: Because of the high expectations of the users to get a SimPE that is able to handle the expansion pack “Pets” this is somewhat of a prerelease, so expect bugs. Please report any bugs (if you find them) to the SimPE-Forum. Furthermore we would strongly advise to backup your game-saves and downloads.
Numenor also created a new CEP, that enables several Pet items, so please also download the CEP.
ég veit að maður þarf að eiga pets (sem ég á) en þarf maður að eiga eithvað NET.2.0 drasl??