Þetta eru einu svindlin:
General Cheats:
Exit: Closes Cheat window.
Expand: Expands or contracts the Cheat window.
Kaching: Adds 1000 simoleans to household funds.
Motherlode: Adds 50000 to household funds.
Help: Lists some, but not all, cheats. The list you see before you is complete.
Autopatch (on/off): Toggles notification of available game patches.
Moveobjects (on/off): Move unmovable objects and put them in illegal places. Causes problems, so use carefully.
Aging (on/off): Sims won't age.
Strechskeleton (0,9-1,1): Increases or decreases Sim height compared to normal height. However, it might disrupt character animation.
Vsync (on/off): Turning off increases game performance but with some graphical errors as the price.
faceBlendLimits (on/off): Turns off some automatic corrections in Make a Child that fixes frekish combinations of widely divergent facial features. Results in frequent “freak children”.
Neighborhood Only Cheats:
deleteAllCharacters: At Neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood. Don't use it unless you have a very good reason.
TerrainType (desert/temperate): Only in Neighborhood view. Toggles between two terrain types.
Filmmaking Cheats:
Slowmotion (0-8): 0 is normal speed and 8 is slower.
boolProp enablePostProcessing (true/false): Must be true for all filmic cheats to function.
Bloom (r g b x): Computer's video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which everything's so bright it blurs together (a la sitcom flashbacks). “r”, “g”, and “b” are color values (0-255), and “x” is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255.
vignette (centerx centery X): Computer's video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which a focal point is clear but everything around it is blurry. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true”.
filmgrain (0-1): Computer's video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a film graininess. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true”.
letterbox (0,0-0,4): Computer's video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a letterbox view of size specified. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true”.
ATH: Film cheats may cause refresh problems from the Neighborhood view.