Hér er smá yfirlit yfir eitthvað af svindlunum sem eru í leiknum, ég tók þetta af síðunni: http://www.simgoddesses.com/tutorials/codes.html - fín síða.

ROSEBUD - Neat cheat that gives you 1000 bright, shiny simoleons

ROSEBUD - Another variation on the Rosebud cheat… this time observes the space between the ‘;’ characters. After typing this in, hold down the enter key and it will rapidly add simoleons to the account!

AUTONOMY (0 to 100) - This value determines how well the Sims thinks for themselves. 50 is the default level, setting it at 100 would make the Sims autonomously do things that only a player could direct them to do normally

DRAW_ALL_FRAMES (on/off) - When set to on, will draw every frame of animation regardless of how much it slows the game.

BUBBLE_TWEAK(0 to-65) - This is the ‘z’ value to offset the thought bubbles. By default it is -65 so they don't poke through headboards!

DRAW_FLOORABLE (on/off) - On by default, this draws the grid that you see in build mode

DRAW_ROUTES (on|off) - This is interesting. It will display colored dots along the Sims path so you can see where they are headed. Useful for planning the design on your home a little better

GRID (on/off) - Enables or disables the terrain grid
Prepare_Lot Check and fix required lot objects Also unstuck your Sim when in Downtown mode
edit_char Display personality and interests interests
draw_origins Draw colored dots at each person's origin

GROW_GRASS (0 - 150) - Sets the level of ‘green-ness’ of all grass tiles on the lot. 150 is the maximum so if you've done some terrain work and want to get rid of the brown, set this value to 150 Won't work with Hot Date

MAP_EDIT (on/off) - Certain tiles on a lot are ‘locked’ - meaning that you can't move objects, change terrain, build on them etc. Tiles around the edge of the lot, and those containing the mailbox are examples. This cheat locks or unlocks them

MOVE_OBJECTS (on/off) - This cheat allows you to move any object, including the Sims themselves! This can be incredibly useful when your Sims is stuck. Also handy to move cars out of the way so you can collect the mail etc. Can only be used in Build/Buy Mode

ROTATION (1-3) - Sets a lot's rotation to default, as seen from the Neighborhood screen

ROUTE_BALLOONS (on/off) - Turning this cheat on allows you to see the Sim's intermediate route balloon information

SIM_SPEED (-1000 to 1000) - Set the speed of the game. The bottom of the screen is like slow motion (like when you slow down a sim by hovering your mouse cursor over them). 1000 is the ultra fast mode.

SIM_LOG (begin/end) - Starts or stops the log file output. Written to SimLog.txt. The output is a tab-delimited file that shows all interactions that occurred. It shows routing time, interaction time, and the change in each motive etc. Handy to see just how much time your Sims spends on the toilet!

SWEEP (on/off/none) - This displays the in-game profiler (whatever that is!). Click on the sweep window and use up/down to change events being profiles and left/right to change the milliseconds per tick.

PREVIEW_ANIMS (on/off) - When turned on, this command allows you to click on any object and preview the animation for the selected sim

TILE_INFO (on/off) - When set to on, you can move your mouse over a tile, click the Tile Info window and press [R] to view base object information

WATER_TOOL - This handy tool allows you to add water features to the terrain on the lot. To put land back after ruining your lot use [CTRL] and the left mouse button Won't work with Hot Date

HISTORY (file) - Writes out the family history of the current family. if file is not specified, the default is used which is FamilyHistory.txt

Og þar með eru þessi svindl upp talin :)
Maður þekkir jú til flestra þeirra en það voru samt sem áður nokkur sem ég vissi ekki um.
Væri kannski gaman að reyna að gera sögu um fjölskylduna sína, eins og síðasta “svindlið” segir til um, svo gætum við póstað sögum með myndum hér á áhugamálinu, væri það ekki flott ?
Svo finnst mér ferlega sniðugt að maður getur skoðað hlutina og séð hvernig “animation” -ið verður fyrirfram, ég vissi ekki af þessum möguleika.
Bara svona ef einhver vissi ekki þá til að fá upp svindl gluggan þá heldur maður inni ctrl + shift og ýtir svo á c.

Simskveðja Alfons
-Song of carrot game-