Hérna fyrir neðan eru greinar frá þeim sem eru að búa til The Sims On Line. (ég hreinlega nennti ekki að þýða þetta!!!.)
Welcome to the first edition of The Sims Online™ monthly newsletter. This monthly newsletter will give you the latest, exclusive, in-depth information on The Sims Online until its launch later this year. In this first edition, we introduce The Sims Online and key team members share some unique aspects of the game.
The Sims Online is the first online world from Will Wright, the creator of SimCity™ and The Sims™. One thing we always hear from Sims players is, “Wouldn't it be cool if the other Sims in the game were controlled by other real people?”
The Sims Online is an online world where the Sims are real. You get to be yourself or whoever you want to be. In this world you have your own piece of land to do with as you please. So, you can create a house, coffee bar, dance club, museum or whatever else you can imagine. You can explore the neighborhoods around you and meet other real Sims along the way. You'll also be able to develop a network of real Sim friends to enhance your power, wealth, reputation and social standing.
The Sims Online is a massive online world that you can access at any time. You interact with the world through one Sim that you develop over time. Everything that you buy, build or create will be there when you return.
The Sims placed you in control of an entire neighborhood of Sims. In The Sims Online, players create up to three Sims but only control one at a time, meaning that the relationship between a player and their Sim is much closer. The game not only makes it possible for Sims to leave their house but there is a whole user-created world to explore. Not only can each player build a house for their Sim and have friends over to visit, they can also invite friends to move in. The economic and social interaction system is built to take advantage of having thousands of real people playing. The game incorporates text chat, instant messaging and a wide variety of new gestures for your Sim to use when communicating with other Sims.
The Sims Online includes almost all the content from the original Sims and each of the expansion packs. It will also include a lot more new content. You'll be able to purchase the game at major retailers and online stores. Similar to other premium online games, there will be a monthly subscription fee and details will follow in the future. We will continue to introduce new content into the game following the launch, so our players can continue to evolve and enjoy the online world. We look forward to starting this journey with you. Welcome!