Sims interior designs
Fireplace in false wall and Two step stone dais
<a href="http://www.simsisters.simsloft.com/“> The Simsister</a>
Thea made a cute head with one of Denises new meshes…
Very modern study from <a href=”http://aroundthesims.online.fr/“> Around The Sim</a> !
<a href=”http://www.brisims.de/“> Brisims </a> Updates with a classy bedroom!
Fabulous Houses from <a href=”http://www.downtown-sim.com/“> Downtown Sim Houses </a> !
Gorgeous Bedroom from <a href=”http://www.crosswinds.net/~elegantfashions/index.html“> Elegant Sim Fashions</a>!
”Passion Fruit“ Bedroom from <a href=”http://georgiegirls.crosswinds.net/roomspage.html“> GeorgieGirl</a>!
<a href=”http://www.junet.ru/“> Junet </a>is back! You can get a lovely harp and gorgeous flowers there!
New ”Charred“ Kitchen set from <a href=”http://www.welldressedsim.com/“> Well Dressed Sim</a>
Two cute new rooms from <a href=”http://www.simdecor.freeserve.co.uk/“> Sim Decor</a>!
Two cute new ”valentine“ sets from <a href=”http://moonsims.asi.org/simlove/“> Sim Love</a>! Your sims can feel the love all year long!
<a href=”http://simsnobs.com/“> SMN Sim Snobs</a> adds a few attractive pieces to their collection!
<a href=”http://www.stpcarly.ht.st/“> Sims T Parlour </a> adds two more great ”tribute“ sets!
<a href=”http://home.online.no/~goban/“> Sim Zalabim</a> updates again with fabulous new pieces!!
<a href=”http://www.rnrsims.com/update.html“> RnR Sims</a> updates with gorgeous new skins!! You'll find new cake dancer and ”showstoppers“ here!
Ég ætla líka að kynna nýja síðu, <a href=”http://papsims.different-worlds.net/“> Pret-A-Porter Sims</a> þetta er ný tísku síða með geðveik gelluföt allskonar ”Merki" eins og t.d. MAX MARA!
vonandi kemur þessi grein einhverjum til góðs :)
kveðja Helena