Þannig ég rakst á þetta á síðu og fór að hugsa um það að Darth Plageueis hafi skapað Anakin?
Rökin með eru þau
- Darth Plageueis var drepinn rétt eftir fæðingu Anakins.
- Darth Plageueis var víst svo máttugur að hann gat haft áhrif á miðlkorínið og gæti það ekki hafa komið af stað barni, fyrst hann var það öflugur.
- Darth Sidious var búinn að ræna Darth Maul, en var aldrei búinn að gera hann að lærlingi eða neitt.
- Darth Sidious sagði það sjálfur að Darth Plageueis hafi sagt honum allt sem hann vissi og gat kennt og þar með væntanlega fæðingu Anakins.
- Eins og þið flestir vitið þá var Darth Sidious afar fær um að spá fram í tímann ætli hann hafi, reynt að gera þetta þannig með samninga milli Naboo og Verslunarsambandsins akkurat þannig að þeir myndu þurfa nauðlenda á Tatooin.
Síðan ætla ég núna að koma með enskar rökræður með því, því að það er copyað frá útlenskri síðu.
Source #1- The New Essential Chronology
“The child that resulted from this Force miracle, Plagueis insisted, would be the living embodiment of the Force itself-and at that moment, Sidious knew that his Master was discussing Sidious’ replacement. Soon, after Sidious killed Darth Plagueis in his sleep. The work necessary to create a Force-conceived child continued, however. It is unclear whether Plagueis had initiated the process before his death, or whether Sidious instead implemented his former Master’s scheme for his unknown dark purposes.” –Pg. 32
This whole paragraph is basically screaming “Anakin was made by the Sith”. Though some might say the majority of the paragraph is ambiguous, the last sentence is not. It’s ambiguous in the sense that it doesn’t tell you which of them specifically did it, but it does tell you it was one of them.
“On Tatooine, the slave Shmi Skywalker had given birth to a child more powerful in the Force than any other in history- the apparent product of forbidden research initiated by Darth Plagueis and taken up by Darth Sidious. This boy, Anakin Skywalker, had seemingly not been conceived by a human father, but by the midichlorians themselves. Palpatine kept a close watch on Anakin as the boy grew. If trained as a Sith apprentice, such a child could be vastly more powerful than Maul.”-Pg.32
Despite not stating it directly, there would be no point to even say this if they didn’t want to tell people Plagueis created Anakin without actually telling them directly. It also does tell you directly that Sidious knew about Anakins birth and kept a close watch (this is before TPM).
“Darth Sidious learned of his enemies’ arrival on Tatooine. He dispatched his apprentice Darth Maul in order to prevent the Jedi from meddling with Anakin Skywalker’s fate.”-Pg.40
Again, here Sidious indicates again he knew of Anakin long before the Jedi found him and had plans for him important enough that he would risk exposing the Sith Order to secure them.
Source #2- Vader: the Ultimate Guide
“If the lore of the Sith Lords is to be believed, Anakin Skywalker began life as the byproduct of Sith experimentation. Darth Plagueis, a devotee of the dark side and lover of the numinous and arcane, developed a method of preserving life in those who were dying - and, taken to the extreme, of inducing the midi-chlorians to create out of nothing. Anakin Skywalker, who never had a biological father, is believed to have been the result of Darth Plagueis' vision. It remains unclear whether the deed came about through the efforts of Plagueis or through those of Plagueis' ambitious apprentice, Darth Sidious.”-Pg.7
This is the most direct source, by telling it to you through the view of the Sith Lords. It’s a way of telling it to you without making it too blatant. One might argue that it could be a lie, but that would be foolish, considering it’s Sith Lore, there’s no point in lying if the purpose of it is to teach.
“Plagueis revealed to Sidious an experiment he'd conceived to create life directly from the midi-chlorians found in one's blood, potentially yielding a being of astounding power. Comprehending that any such being would amount to Sidious' replacement, the Sith apprentice murdered his master.”-Pg.35
This basically tells you of why Sidious bothered to kill Plagueis instead of just letting him die. Despite it not being uncommon, apprentice killing master wasn’t a tradition, it just happened sometimes, but so did natural death.
Source#3- Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
“Sidious would have had to discover a way to compel midichlorians to do his bidding, and bring into being one as powerful as Anakin.”-Pg.133
Here Sidious is questioning himself what he would do if Anakin died. The point of this quote is to clarify the earlier NEC quote. Here Sidious is basically telling us he didn’t create Anakin, which would mean (added to the NEC quote) that Plagueis had done so.
That’s all the proof I can remember for now, and it’s strong. Some people may not like the idea, and say it tarnishes the movies or the idea of Anakin somehow. Well, in itself, it doesn’t. That’s just your point of view, the way you take in a fact. So if it makes you angry in anyway then you should only be angry at yourself, because you see things how you want to see them
En annars gæti þetta verið algjört kjaftæði í mér, sérstaklega þetta með Darth Maul en ég vill helst trúa þessu.