Sjónvarpstöðin The Sci-Fi Channel (Sem sýnir m.a. Farscape, The Twilight Zone, Quantum Leap og Babylon 5) tilkynnti fyrir skemmstu að þau hafa náð samningi við J. Michael Straczynski um að gera TV movie byggt uppá Babylon 5 seríunni. Mun myndin heita “The Legend of the Rangers” og mun segja frá því hvernig að the Rangers, sem hafa bæði menn og Minbari vinna saman að reyna koma á reglu í yfir hundruð heima sem voru eyðilagðir í Skugga-stríðinu (Shadow War).

Þeir sem léku í Babylon 5 gætu birst í myndinni, og verður myndin (ef allt gengur vel) fyrsti þátturinn í nýrri seríu í Babylon 5 heiminum sem Sci-Fi Channel hyggst gera.

Sem fyrr mun Douglas Netter verða framleiðandi ásamt Straczynski.


—–Enska útgáfan—-
Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski is working on a two-hour telefilm called Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers that will premiere on SCI FI later this year. The film will take up the story of the legendary Ranger fleet as it attempts to restore order to hundreds of civilizations devastated by the Shadow War.

This new chapter of the Babylon 5 story finds the mysterious Ranger force–a combination of humans and alien Minbari trained in space warfare as well as the unique alien philosophy of the Rangers and just about every conceivable form of martial arts–faced with deadly challenges in its attempt to create peace out of the war's destruction.

Babylon 5 cast members may appear in the movie, which will also serve as the pilot for a potential SCI FI Channel series. Douglas Netter is executive producing the series along with Straczynski.
“Space, the final frontier….”