Hvaða þætti ertu að tala um eiginlega :S ?<br><br><font color=“#FF0000”><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>BLIND DOLL-</font>
<font color=“#000000”>Little Doll Wake Up!</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>Wake UP!</font>
<font color=“#000000”>Don't Let The World Say</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>What you should Be</font>
<font color=“#000000”>Scream and open</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>open your fucking blind eyes!</font>
<font color=“#000000”>Scream whit your soul and heart</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>remember what the heart is?</font>
<font color=“#000000”>Scream for freedom</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>Scream for all that time</font>
<font color=“#000000”>that you have been a doll</font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>a blind doll!</font>
<font color=“#000000”>free yourself!</i><br><hr></font>
<font color=“#FF0000”>Æjj mér finnst þetta bara mergjað ljóð ljóð :)</font