Það má benda í því sambandi á ýmsa tengla á netinu, s.s.:+
Kings and Queens of England and Scotland:
http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/royalty/Kings and Queens of England from 1485 to the Present: and Queens of England:
http://voyager.dvc.edu/~bmckinney/kq.htmlKing James Stewart IV Of Scotland - Genealogy files:
http://www.scotlandroyalty.org/archives/royalgen.html…o.s.frv. Mæli þó einkum með þeirri síðustu.<br><br>Með kveðju,
Hjörtur J.
”And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude." -Thomas Jefferson