A myth based on a lie straight women tell their ugly straight male friends as a less hurtful way of rejecting their sexual advances. It is said that if a man doesn't immediately make his romantic intentions known that the woman will forever consider him a friend. He is then said to be in the “friend zone.”
Julie: “Fred's a nice guy, but he's kinda fat and ugly, so when he asked me out, I told him I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship. I mean, maybe if he lost a few pounds…”
Nancy: “Good idea. That way his feelings aren't hurt. You really sidestepped that one.”
Fred: “Julie's totally into me, but she considers the friendship too important to act on her intense desire for me.”
Steve: “Aw, man, you're totally in the friend zone. That sucks. So what now?”
Fred: “Well, I guess I have to keep trying, right? I mean, she must find me attractive.”
Steve: “Totally.”
Er það bara ég eða er þetta frekar skuggalega satt? (í flestum tilfellum)