ok hæ ég er skiptinemi í bandaríkjunum, ég er búinn að skrifa smá grein á ensku og nenni ekki að þýða hana þannig að ég set hana hérna inná á ensku.
there is a girl, some tell me that she is a b#%$! and i shouldnt talk to her but i still try. Shes funny, beautiful, smart and good at everything. I like her but f*** no she doesnt like me! I hear that she is havin boy trouble, hey here is a freakin tip: stop going after the f***in a**holes.
ok this girl acted like she liked me, went with me to the movies, out to eat, texted me and wanted me to make a f***in voicemail just so she could leave me a message! Well now I have a voicemail so leave a message B****! C´mon are you kiddin me?? She told me I had to promise to go with her to bunch of movies when we saw the trailors. She wanted me to have movie evenings with her and even asked me to stay one night and watch movies. Then she stops talking to me, for no reason. At least from what I know, ive heard that she did that just because she was a b**ch and was doin some mind tricks and ive heard it was because of something I did. Ok I would like to know what the f*** I did, answer anyone??.What the hell is wrong with American girls?? Please do answer this question to, I would like to know. I wanted to ask her to homecoming but I tend to get shy when im with her and other people, but when im with her or when I was with her I would talk and talk.