Já, ég rissaði eitthvað dót niður á blað fyrir nokkrum mánuðum þegar ég var að reyna að velja á milli tveggja stelpna og vissi ekki rassgat hvað ég átti að gera..

The voices in your head
You Find yourself on a crossroad
No clue which way to go.
Should you follow feelings or common sense?
“Break up with er!”
Say the voices, but your feelings say other.
You can't choose.
You're stuck in a cell of mixed emotions.
This second you wanna be a free bird,
the other you wanna be a family man.
The music, all around you,
Hendrix playing guitar
And you start to think;
“What happened to Jimi man?”
You don't know.
He died over 30 years ago.
'A time machine would solve my problems'.
You close your eyes
Thinking about her
same thoughts going in and out
again and again, thru and thru.
You wanna forget them?

nei ég var ekki á sýru þegar ég gerði þetta.
everybody has their cheesy moments.
