Þessi texti er sprottinn úr viðjum huga míns og er í raun texti af lagi sem ég var að semja.

Þetta er óbeint um stelpu sem ég á í nokkurs konar sambandi við. Við erum ekki beinlínis saman en ég tala við hana nánast á hverjum degi, og verðum kannski eitthvað seinna. Allavega, lagið heitir Tonight og ef þið viljið heyra lagið get ég postað því hingað.

The night has come now
and I'm alone
sitting here and
watching the snow

Thinking of you
hoping yes is
the word you say

Maybe you'll be
the only one
but with that guy
the chance is none

Now you're asking
how I know
maybe it's time to
let you go

Listen to your heart tonight
Listen to your heart tonight
Listen to your heart
beside the thing I can make you feel
Listen to your heart tonight

The wind is blowing
me away
baby's born now
and I can't stay

How many drugs
do I have to sell?
How many words
do I have to tell?

Maybe sometime
near the end
we'll be together
and make a blend

Now I realize
my heart is gone
combined with yours
we can be as one

Listen to your heart tonight
Listen to your heart tonight
Listen to your heart
beside the thing I can make you feel
Listen to your heart tonight