Ég veit ekki alveg hvort þetta eigi heima hér á Rómantík en mér fannst textinn svolítið rómantískur þannig ég ákvað bara að skella þessu hingað inn.

Taylor Hicks - Do I Make You Proud

I've never been the one to raise my hand,
That was not me and now that's who I am,
Because of you I am standing tall,
My heart is full of endless graditute,
You were the one the one to guide me through,
Now I can see and I believe
it's only just beginning,

This what we dream about,
But the only question with me now,
Is do I make you proud,
Stronger than I've ever been now,
Never been afraid of standing out,
But do i make,do I make you proud,

I guess I've learned, to question is to grow,
That you still have faith, is all I need to know,
I've learned to love, my selfish part of me,
And I've learned to walk, the road that I believe,

This what we dream about,
But the only question with me now,
Is do I make you proud,
Stronger than I've ever been now,
Never been afraid of standing out,
But do I make you, do i make you proud,

Everybody needs to rise up,
Everybody needs to be loved, to be loved,

This what we dream about,
But the only question with me now,
Is do I make you proud,

This what we dream about,
But the only question with me now,
Is do I make you proud,
Stronger than I've ever been now,
Never beieg afraid of standing out,
But do I make you proud,(2x)

This what we dream about,
But the only question with me now,
Is do I make you,
Do I make you proud.

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