Já, þetta samdi ég áðan. Stelpan sem ég hélt að ég gæti elskað, byrjaði með öðrum strák. Núna er líf mitt ekki á réttri hillu.

Good bye!

I tought I knew you,
I tought we were mates,
I think I am sick,
You just walked to far.

My life is falling apart,
The darkness is falling on me,
It's fucking nightmare,
Why didn't you wait for me?

You were my only dream,
I tought we could be together,
you really disappointed me,
Im dead already.

Why did you meat this boy?
Why didn't I think?
Why couldn't I come and see you sooner?
My life is like a stone in the sea. Nothing!

Ef þú lest þetta þá veistu why..