Þetta er texti af lagi sem ég samdi.

Please, settle down and listen to my story
it's just a silly love song,
but i hope you want to hear it…

It seemed to be love at first sight
from the moment I glared at you
You were my one ray of light
I knew what I had to do

I followed you home
stalked you for a week
called your name in the night
then you finally accepted me

I was so glad
how could I be sad?
love was so fine
when you were mine

the weeks passed
and the months passed
a fool would doubt our love
i thought

Then you broke my heart
you weren't in my bed
all i wanted to do was
to put a bullet through my head

I was so sad
how could i be glad?
love was so fine
when you were mine

when you said it was over
i couldn't catch my breath
called your name in the night
then you told me to go to hell

Now, you've ruined my life
i should move on
crazy as it seems
I'm going to…. (move on)

It was so bad
how could i go on?
love was so fine
when you were mine

Then came the big day
i decided to move on
and suddenly i found,
you were wasting my time
oh, yes, why?

i quickly found a new girl
and i brought her home
she was a……….
once in a life time catch

then she broke my heart
didn't mather to me
i've had it broken before
now it was unbreakable

then I found a new hobbie
breaking girls hearts
after hundred hearts
i grew tired of this
found a new hobbie
called Tennis!

I was so glad
how could i be sad?
Tennis was so fine
When i knew how to play

You wanted me back again
as a fool i said “yeah”
you said, i said “yeah”
but, actually i said “bleh”

Then i found out
what you were looking for
just as i thought
a tennis partner

when i found out
i wanted to shout
wanted to go home
and put a bullet through my head (again)

you said you didn't know how to play tennis
said you didn't even know what it was
actually, you knew
you knew, and didn't tell me
you had played since you were a teen
and until you became a queen

then you broke my heart
girl, that wasn't smart
because you know how i am
and i like eating jam

Was i glad?
I could be sad
love was about tennis
and i felt so used

But now life is good
I know secrets about you
don't you forget that
so you better come back to me

If you don't come back to me
then the world will know your secrets
tennis wasn't your game….
it was a certain something

You joined me at dinner
one friday night
i asked you why
…you broke my heart

you said you didn't know
you said you wanted to cry
I said I Didn't hate you
but you were allergic to cats

I was so glad?
well, could i be sad?
You were so fine
when you were forced to be mine

then your birthday came up
i had the perfect gift
it was a cat
that you named fluffy?

Then you said you wanted to be free
i couldn't believe my own ears, so i told them that
My ears said they never lied
i asked how i could believe them
they said i had to trust them

Love was so fine……
when you were mine
oh, love was so fine
when you were forced to be mine

Then we lived happily ever after
just me, you & fluffy
there's a duck called duffy
then someone ran over fluffy….

It was so sad
how could i be glad?
Flyffy were so fine
when he was alive

I was sad that Fluffy couldn't be
alive at our wedding
he was supposed to be the best man
the story will soon be over
just listen to the end now

The divorce went through just fine
two or three years later
i bought an apartment
N' painted it red……..

and then i became a painter
painted my misery
then i made money of my misery
so i got rich because of my misery

When i was rich
you wanted me back
but i just painted my apartment black
i took you back, why?

I will always be the same ol' fool
that fell in love with you
we got married again
When you were mine

We took walks in the park…
read books by Mary Higgins Clarke
We heard dogs bark
And the night were dark

I was so glad
how could i be sad?
Love was so fine
When you were mine
When you were mine
When You were mine

I was so glad
how could i be sad?
Love was so fine
when we played tennis
N' when you were mine