Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
She said somedays I feel like shit 
Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit 
I don't understand why you have to always be gone 
I get along but your trips always feel so long 
And I find myself trying to stay by the phone 
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone 
But I feel like an idiot, working my day around a call 
And when I pick up I don't have much to say, so 
I want you to know its a little fucked up that 
I'm stuck here waiting, at times debatin 
Telling you that I've had it with you and your career 
Me and the rest of the family here singing 
[b]Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Please Come back home [/b]
You know, the place where you used to live 
Used to barbeque with burgers and ribs 
Used to have a little party every halloween 
with candy by the pile but now 
you only stop by every once in a while 
I find myself just filling my time 
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind 
I'm doing fine and I'm plannin' to keep it that way 
You can call me if you find that you have something to say 
And I'll tell you 
I want you to know its a little fucked up that 
I'm stuck here waiting, at times debating 
Telling you that I've had it with you and your career 
Me and the rest of the family here singing 
[b]Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Please Come back home [/b]
I want you to know its a little fucked up that 
I'm stuck here waiting, no longer debatin' 
Tired of sittin and hatin' and making these excuses 
For why you're not around, and feeling sorta useless 
It seems that one thing has been true all along 
You don't really know what you've got till its gone 
I guess I've had it with you and your career 
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it 
[b]Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Where'd you go? 
I miss you so 
Seems like its been forever that you've been gone 
Please Come back home [/b]
Please come back home 
Please come back home 
Please come back home 
Please come back home

“Varð bara að fá að senda þetta hingað inn því mér líður ekki vel. Kærastan enda við að segja mér upp og mér finnst það vera eilífð síðan hún gerði það, er svo sár.

Hef ekki liðið svona lengi, og veit að ég á eftir að líða svona í einhvern tíma lengur því ég var alveg yfir mig ástfanginn þótt þetta var aðeins stuttur mánuður sem þetta entist.

Ég dey smátt og smátt inn í mér, en berst á móti því þó eins og ég get. Hve lengi get ég þraukað? Ég sem vonaði að ég þyrfti aldrei aftur að ganga í gegnum þetta en núna treysti ég mér ekki út, né þó að vera heima en hvað get ég gert?

Ég er tilfinningar næmur, ég veit það. Of tilfinningar næmur á köflum, en ekkert sem ég get gert í því. Þetta bara kemur og fer. Mér finnst óþægilegt að tjá mig um marga hluti en ég gat tjáð mig að vild með þessari manneskju og sömuleið hún, en núna veit ég ekki lengur hvort ég geti litið á hana því það er sárt!

Fyrirgefðu segi ég, þótt þetta var ekki ég sem olli þessu. Mun alltaf þykja vænt um þig þótt ég eigi erfitt með það.”

Veit ekki hvert annað ég ætti að setja þetta en ef þetta er vitlaus staður þá biðst ég afsökunar.

- Skyzo