Þetta ljóð er um hvernig mér líður. Eins og er þá er svo mikið í gangi hjá mér. Allt of mikið. Ég veit ekkert hvað ég á að gera og mér líður svo illa því mörgum í kringum mig líður illa og svo eru vandamál hjá mér sjálfri. Ég bara veit ekki hversu mikið meira ég get þolað. En allavega, svona líður mér.

Sometimes I just want to sit down and cry,
cry all my problems away.
I just can’t take this no more
I feel like my heart and my head is about to explode.

I try my best to be strong
To smile and pretened to be happy
So no one would know that something is wrong
And not knowing that my own thoughts are killing me.

I just want to run and scream untill I die
Because then I wouldn’t be living a lie.
If only I could say what I wanted to say
My life would be so easier that way.

So many thing I want to say
So many things going trough my head
I just want to go away,
Sometimes I even wish I was dead.

Everyday I put on a mask to hide
What really is going on inside.
And that is something that I don’t want to do
All I want is to tell you the truth.

My heart is full of anger and sorrow
That makes me long for no tomorrow,
I want to forgive but I just can’t
This is something I’ll never forget.