<i><b>This endless life of darkness</b></i>
This endless life of darkness,
still reaks in my heart,
this very strange poem,
is about a girl I got,
a girl.. I forgot.
Now I am stuck in her shadow
I have no way out.
I've thought about dying
But it won't fall out.
Why am I like this?
Ignorant, foolish and childish.
I've been stuck for so long.
My spirit has been crushed.
My body is growing cold,
my life is being pulled,
by a small little girl,
she fucking killed me,
then left with no shame to bear.
I've been hated for so long,
oh, so long.
Why does this pain still stay,
I wonder, if I would die,
would I be missed?
Would I still be hated in this mist.
I am still stuck, I can't find my way out,
I think there is one way, but these tears block it out.
I walk around, not knowing when I will fall,
and not even were.
Even you hate me,
you hate my guts,
you stabbed me in the back, and fucking laughed.
I should hate you, but still I don't.
I am everless still in love, but still stuck up.
You read this now, your heart has stopped,
Now I am smiling, I've seen what I forgot.
Kveðja, derin.
<i><b>-</b> <b>„</b>Stundum kemur fyrir að ég segi hluti sem öðrum finnst rangt, þetta eru mín álit og vinsamlegast ekki nota álit mín gegn mér. Ég hef rétt á mínum skoðunum og ef mínar skoðannir særa þig, þá biðst ég afsökunar, ég reyni ekki, vil ekki og mun aldrei vilja særa neinn.<b>“</b></i>
<i><b>-</b> <b>„</b>To live, is to suffer. But to survive, well that's to find meaning and to suffer.<b>“</b> </i>
<i><b>-</b> <b>„</b>When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back.<b>“</b></i>
Sendu mér tölvupóst á: <a href=“mailto:derin@ice.is”>derin@ice.is</a>
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- <b><i>derin</i></b>, stjórnandinn á áhugamálinu <a href=”http://www.hugi.is/bw">Black & White.</a
Kveðja, Nolthaz.