Ég ákvaði að fara á Limpbizkit.com til að gá hvort þessi orðrómur um Fred Durst er satt eða ekki þá fann ég þessa athyglisverða frétt sem Fred Durst skrifaði.

Limp Bizkit news:

“Hello everybody, this is Fred. I want you to listen and listen close. That includes every piece-of-shit talking shit and every hater talking shit. This is specifically written for you in all honesty. Everything we, limp bizkit, do is motivated and driven by our love for our fans and love for what we do. All these fucking ”he said - she said“ bullshit rumors about what's going on with the guitar search are horseshit. Anyone who is mad about their experience trying out for limp bizkit at guitar center simply and plainly 100% sucked!! There are a lot of people waiting to audition each day and when they come in the room to play guitar they get up to 60 seconds to give us a sample of what it is they do and what they're about. If at any time during the 60 seconds they are interrupted, or asked to stop, then that is their (read between the lines) answer to how ”not the right vibe“ they are for anything pertaining to limp bizkit or any project limp bizkit is working on. But if they were asked to continue playing or asked to play with the band later that evening, which has been over 20 people on the whole tour, then there was something that was interesting enough to spark our curiosity. People who are auditioning are asked to sign a release so their images and likenesses can be used in any documentary that limp bizkit would like to make (mtv, website, etc) in no way whatsoever would limp bizkit ever steal or take anything (music, riffs) from anyone on this planet!! And remember the only person who watches a thief is a thief. We did not record any of the preauditions. Not one.

Fuck you haters. Better yourself (a little advice). To everyone else, I can't wait to get back online and into the chat. Things are looking very positive for limp bizkit - you'll be proud and surprised at what's coming your way. Oh yeah… one more thing…fuck you again haters.

Limp Bizkit ”

Thorok hafði rétt fyrir sér, þetta var allt misskilningur. Svo mundi ég frekar trúa á Fred Durst en einhverri ókunnuga manneskja í Bandaríkjunum sem varð fúl út af því LB völdu hana ekki