Hefurðu heyrt Lateralus með Tool!
Ég valdi hann allavega, geggjuð plata.
En ég er alveg sammála að það hefði mátt vera “annað” þarna líka. Þetta eru alls ekki allar plöturnar sem komu út á seinasta ári!<br><br><center>____________________________________________________
<b>Way off in the distance I saw a door I tried to open
I tried forcing with all of my will but still the door wouldn't open
Unable to trust in my faith I turned and walked away
I looked around felt a chill in the air, took my will and turned it over
<i>The glass prison</i> which once held me is gone, a long lost fortress
Armed only with liberty and the key of my willingness
I fell down on my knees and prayed - thy will be done
I turned around saw a light shining through
The door was wide open</b>
<u>The Glass Prison</u> – Dream Theater
<b><a href=
http://www.ma.is/nem/21jasi/siggi_stein/plotur/plotur.htm>Tónlistin mín</a></b>