þetta heldur stuði í mér ;) I am the Black Wizards- Emperor Inno a Satana- Emperor Where dark and light dont differ- Immortal In My Kingdom Cold- Immortal Pagen Fears- Mayhem Funeral Fog- Mayhem Sweating Bullets- Megadeth In My Darkest Hour- Megadeth Ride The Lightning- Metallica Creeping Death- Metallica Painkiller- Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance- Judas Priest Crystal Mountain- Death Scream Bloody Gore- Death Metalwrath- Amon Amarth Death In Fire- Amon Amarth Needled 24/7- Children of Bodom Caught in a Mosh- Anthrax I am the Law- Anthrax Efilnikufesin (N.F.L)- Anthrax Sacrifice- Venom Black Metal- Venom Face in The Sky- Testament Souls of Black- Testament Orgasmatron- Motörhead Walk- Pantera A New Level- Pantera Mouth for War- Pantera Hell Awaits- Slayer South of Heaven- Slayer Raining Blood- Slayer Mandatory Suicide- Slayer Angel of Death- Slayer (slayer er sko ekki uppáhalds hljómsveitn mín) Pleasure to Kill- Kreator Rippin Corpse- Kreator Sea of Faces- nevolution nothology- nevolution Superterrorizer- Bls Counterfeit God- Bls Stargazer- Rainbow Halloween- Helloween I want out- Helloween Breaking the Law- HammerFall (Judas Priest cover) Ripped- Marty Friedman
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