Nýr diskur frá Rammstein sem mun kallast “Rosenrot” er væntanlegur (ekki vitað hvenær)

tekið af www.rammstein.com


The new Rammstein album will not be called “Reise, Reise Vol.2” but “Rosenrot” - this was decided by the band in a meeting yesterday. “Benzin”, the so far only song from the new album which was introduced to the public due to the Wuhlheide concerts in June 05, will be the first single of the album too. Preparations for the release are getting into top gear. The video for “Benzin” has just been shot and is in its postproduction now; there is work done for several remixes, as well as artwork for the cover of the single and the album. You will find more here shortly.

Núna er bara að bíða og bíða ;)
Og þá koma þeir vonandi til Íslands!!!
Þetta gengur ALLS ekki!!
Rammstein til Íslands!! og ég á 5 tónleikana mína með þeim..