“This group has come to make it clear exactly who is superior and who is inferior. Its anthem, ”We Will Rock You,“ is a marching order: you will not rock us, we will rock you. Indeed, Queen may be the first truly fascist rock band. The whole thing makes me wonder why anyone would indulge these creeps and their polluting ideas.”
Þetta er ekki það ljótasta sem RS skrifaði um Queen, né þá um aðrar hljómsveitir, þetta er nú einu sinni tímaritið sem hakkaði í sig nær allar plötur Led Zeppelin.<br><br><A href=“javascript:%20getUserInfoByName('mAlkAv');”>mAlkAv hinn myrki</A>
Millenium Hand and Shrimp.
So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish