Þar sem það voru frekar blandnar móttökur á seinustu grein, ákvað ég að gera fólki til geðs og gera framhald á henni.
(Þetta er fyrir þig Bowie!)
Þessi kafli er líka úr ævissögu Mansons.
(Long Hard Road Out Of Hell)
og fjallar að þesu sinni um 15 ára dreng, sem sver það í réttarsal að honum hafi verið rænt af geimverum eða djöflum og fluttur á Marilyn Manson tónleika og… Ég býst við að ég læt bókina bara segja restina :)
"[name withheld] hereby swear, affirm, declare and affitt:
I am a fifteen year old male and reside at [address withheld] Oklahoma City, Oklahoma [zip code withheld];
On Tuesday, April 1, 1997, I personally attended a Marilyn Manson concert in Billings, Montana. I attended this concert against my will. I don't know how I got there. I suspect I was abducted by aliens or demons from hell.
I was present at this concert and witnessed the so-called “Sacred Cow” ritual. A herd of cows was let loose into the back of the auditorium. Although the floor was crowded, it parted like the red sea in order to allow the beasts to approach their satanic master. When the cows got to the mosh pit,
they were lifted up and crowd-surfed their way to the stage.
The security guards helped them onto the stage where they then lined up and knelt in front of Mr. Manson.
Mr. Manson then broke a wine bottle and used a piece of broken glass to cut out the tongues and anuses from the cows. He took his time to do it just right, perfectionist that he is.
The cows were in great pain and their bellowing was terrible, but they let him do it. It was as though they were under some kind of spell. They seemed willing to die.
The tongues and anuses were used in a second ritual which I cannot bear to describe. The cows were drained of blood until they died.
The blood was poured into pitchers which were passed around through the audience and everybody was forced to drink it.
The dead carcasses of the cows were dumped into farmer's fields. I believe I later saw these same animals on the cover of Weekly World News in a story about “cattle mutilations.”
I recognized the faces of those poor cows – I would know them anywhere.
As I was hitchhiking home back to Oklahoma that night, every field we passed had a mutilated cow and a crop circle. The symbols carved into the fields were Manson's satanic “antichrist superstar” logo which appears on the CD cover.
I saw all of this clearly even though it was pitch dark and I was speeding by in the back of a truck with no windows. Mr. Manson also used this same symbol to hypnotize us at the concert and force us to drink the blood of the murdered cows.
Further, your Affiant sayeth not."
Þar hafið þið það!
Þetta fær mann til að hugsa, hver er eiginlega sjúkari? Marilyn Manson eða fólk sem semur þetta rugl um hann.
En mórallinn er: Haldið beljunum ykkar langt frá MARILYN MANSON!!!