Þetta er smá bútur úr ævisögu Marilyn Manson´s
(Long hard road out of hell) sem mér fannst of mikið gull til að deila honum ekki með ykkur.
Þetta er 17 ára strákur sem er að vitna í rétti um áform Marylin´s í framtíðinni.
Ég veit að þetta gæti flokkast undir copy/paste kork, en ég er ég að skrifa þetta uppúr bókinni, þannig að plíííís setjið þetta inn sem grein. Þetta hefur tekið mig allt of langan tíma.
Allaðana, here goes:
" am a seventeen year old male and reside at [address withheld] Oklahoma City, Oklahoma [zip withheld].
Three years ago I was a runaway when I first met Marilyn Manson and was accepted by him into his satanic cult.
Over the course of the past three years I have been present in the concert venues both in the audience and backstage and behind the scenes at many Manson concerts, and for this reason I was able to obtain the following information.
I have reason to believe that Marilyn Manson is planning a terrible, TRAGIC ACT for either the April 11 or 12 concerts in Mississippi. These are the complete details of what I know:
As is often done at Manson concerts, they will be passing out the band's favorite candy, “Pixi Stix” - however, these paper-wrapped tubes of flavored sugar powder will be secretly laced with CYANIDE poisoning.
At some point in the show, when Manson starts throwing water bottles into the crowd, he will tell people to pour the contents of the Pixi Stix into the water bottles (to make a Kool-Aid type mixture) and then demand that everybody drink it.
Not only does Mr. Manson intend to kill 6000 innocent souls, he intends to do it while mocking two other famous mass murder-suicides, namely, the recent HEAVEN's GATE and also JONESTOWN
because of the “Kool-Aid” connection, and also, April 11 and 12 are significant in that they are one of the final days before the comet HALE-BOPP visibly leaves the solar system;
he also intends to say he believes that SATAN is piloting the UFO behind the comet, and that this is the last is chance to join the Satanic Army and be on the front lines for the battle of ARMAGEDDON.
At the time this happens, the band will be playing their song “Minute of Decay” which includes the repeated chant of “I'M ON MY WAY DOWN NOW, I'D LIKE TO TAKE YOU WITH ME.”
6,000 innnocent souls will be taken down to HELL with Marilyn Manson to meet Satan as the band plays this song.
Worse still, the promoters intend to “web cast” this whole disaster live over the INTERNET via RealAudio/RealVideo. Marilyn Manson fans all over the world who are not able to attend this concert will see it and be urged by Manson to pledge their soul to SATAN and commit SUICIDE at home!!
Mr. Manson truly believes he is the Antichrist!!! YOU MUST STOP HIM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !!!!
I cannot say who told me these things, as I FEAR FOR MY LIFE.
If the Gulf Coast AFA is not able to stop this, at least one good thing will come of it: THEY WILL BE RID OF MARILYN MANSON AND MOST OF HIS FANS. Praise the Lord, and may he guide them to the right course of action in this matter.
Further, your Affiant sayeth not.
Executed this 1st day of April, 1997"
Ég veit ekki með ykkur en ég lá á gólfinu, öskrandi úr hlátri þegar ég las þetta í fyrsta sinn.