Hérna eru nokkar færslur úr dagbókinni.
“I decided to use heroine on a daily basis because an ongoing stomach ailment that I had been suffering from for the past five years had literally taken me to the point of wanting to kill myself,”
“There were many times that I found myself literally incapacitated in bed for weeks vomiting and starving.”
“So I decided I feel like a junky as it is so I may as well be one.”
“I instantly regained that familiar burning nausea and decided to either kill myself or stop the pain.”
“I bought a gun but chose drugs instead.”
“Hope I die before I turn into Pete Townshend.”
Einnig skrifaði hann reiðar hugsanir sínar til aðra hljómsveita, ss. Pearl Jam: “I would love to be erased from our association with Pearl Jam or the Nymphs and other first time offenders.”
Cobain tók of stóran skammt af heróíni og vikum seinna fannst hann dáinn á heimili sínu í Seattle.
Aðdáendur geta nú fengið tækifæri til að heyra nýja lagið sem heyrðist aldrei, á fjórðu ‘Greatest Hits’ plötu Nirvana. Útgáfutími er í lok október en dagbækurnar þann 4. nóvember.
Lagið heitir ‘You Know You’re Right'.