Jæja, í seinasta þætti fór Nick burt.
Hér er viðtal sem Richard Hatch tók við hann eftir að hann kom úr “leiknum”. Það er enginn spoiler, ég ábyrgist það !
Ég var eiginlega bara feginn að Nick fór. Hann var orðinn eitthvað svo latur, eins og Elizabeth sagði. Ég gat ekki hugsað mér að Rodger né Elizabeth færi. Amber hefði alveg mátt fara. . . þannig að valið (fyrir mér) var á milli þeirra tveggja. Ég býst fastlega við því að Amber fari næst. Hver annar ? Colby, Keith og Tina eru saman í “liði”. Amber er mitt á milli. Hún er ekki með Kucha né Ogakor. Elizabeth og Rodger standa saman fram í rauðan dauðan !
Allavana. . . nóg af þessu blaðri. Hér kemur viðtalið : (ég veit að margir kvörtuðu yfir því að þetta væri copy/paste dæmi. . . . sleppið bara að lesa þetta. Það voru margir ánægðir að fá svona viðtal og þetta er til þeirra.)
Richard: It was your time to go so no worries, you didn't need the million.
Nick: Oh everybody could have used the million, don't get me wrong, but I have no regrets, no worries about what I did. I thought I played the game well.
Richard: Ok, no regrets. let's talk. Lazy, the word was used a lot, would you consider yourself lazy?
Nick: No I don't think I would ever call myself lazy. If you asked anybody in my tribe if I was lazy, they would say no. At the end of the game I admit to not working as hard as everybody else, but up until that point I think I worked as hard and contributed as much as everybody else.
Richard: People don't understand how hungry you get, how depleted, how were you feeling at the end?
Nick: I never really felt hungry I just felt weak. You would get up to do any simple task and you're just wasted, especially at the end of the game. Like I said, I got up and I would just feel dizzy, I'd feel light headed, I mean it would bring Elizabeth to tears all the time. People see us eat a piece of fish and would say, “Oh they're eating” but when you put that on a half a cup of rice for the last week, you're just dying. It really affected me mentally.
Richard: Did the food auction help?
Nick: I think the food auction raised everybody's spirits but that one meal. It went right through us and it caused all these problems as everybody saw on national television, but it helped a little bit, I think more mentally than actually physically.
Richard: Specifically how sick were you, how did you feel?
Nick: Right around the merger I had swollen glands I couldn't swallow. I couldn't drink water, I had trouble eating the rice, my mouth was just raw and it just really took my motivation away from the game and kind of took me off my focus.
Richard: Why didn't you try to pull Colby aside and form some sort of the alliance?
Nick: You know I look back at that and we could have pulled maybe even Amber because it seemed like Amber was isolated. But I didn't really like Amber during the game, we weren't friends, so if you're not getting along with somebody you're not going to just say, “Hey come play with us.”
Richard: Without the water without the food, how much weight did you lose?
Nick: I lost about 20 pounds. I put on about 10 pounds before I left but I ‘m not a big guy, so losing that weight, I looked like the black Jesus. I was really dying out there. I put it right back on after three weeks.
Richard: So you’re booted off but you're not gone, now you're a part of the jury. How did that feel?
Nick: Being on the jury was a lot of fun because you get to come back and hear what everybody says and some interesting stuff will come up. Seven people determine who the winner is and it was fun being over there.
Richard: I never got to experience that.
Nick: Poor you, poor you (hlær).