“Good old fashioned noisecore is not dead and Nihilist Commando is a perfect proof of it. I'm sure most of you dont even know what is real noisecore but I am talking short songs, just a few seconds long each, full of blastbeat as fast as possible and screamed vocals. There's not necessarily any riffs or anything, just unleashed anger and frustration. I don't think Nihilist Commando is trying to reinvent the wheel - rather show ”the posers“ the real deal in true old fashioned noise. And they do succeed with a cdr full of 20 short songs and song titles like ”Dead inside“, ”Crushed skull“ and ”Did I look like a bitch?“. There's a droning background noise and the distorted blasts are spitted on top the background. The sound quality is actually quite good but as a modern day hifi fancy ass I think an even better recording wouldn't hurt. If youre looking for something extreme, go for the Nihilist Commando.” (Tekið af Thrash and Burn vefritinu)
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