hvað þýðir anarcy??
Anarky is a fictional character character who was created by Alan Grant, and published by DC Comics. He is named for his belief in Anarchism. Anarky bears superficial resemblance, in both appearance and tone, to Alan Moore's character “V” from V for Vendetta.
Anarchism is the name of a political philosophy or a group of doctrines and attitudes that are centered on rejection of hierarchy and/or authoritarian institutions (such as the state)[1] and support its elimination.[2] The term “anarchism” is derived from the Greek αναρχία (“without archons” or “without rulers”). Thus “anarchism,” in its most general meaning, is the belief that all forms of rulership are undesirable and should be abolished.
There is a variety of types and traditions of anarchism with various points of difference.[3][4] Other than being opposed to the state, “there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance.”[5] Preferred economic arrangements are one of the many areas of disagreement for anarchists
Anarkismi er pólitísk hugmyndafræði sem hefur verið kaffærð í misskilningi. Misskilningurinn kemur mestmegnis til af þeirri staðreynd að anarkismi er afar óvenjuleg leið til nálgunar hvers viðfangsefnis, leið sem ekki er hægt setja inn í einföld slagorð eða grípandi setningar. Ef að tíu anarkistar væru spurðir um sína skilgreiningu á anarkisma fengjust líklega tíu mismunandi útlistanir. Anarkismi er miklu meira en bara pólitísk hugmyndafræði því hér er um að ræða lífsstíl sem inniheldur pólítísk, praktísk og persónuleg viðhorf.