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yatzek Notandi frá fornöld 34 stig

Ískápur til sölu (0 álit)

í Heimilið fyrir 21 árum
Litill ískápur (hæð 80 cm.) með frysti til sölu á 5þús aðeins. Þarf að selja áriðandi vegna flutningu úr landi. Uppl. sími: 8484781 (vinsamlegast tala ensku, takk) Ekki nóta tölvupóst.

Looking for an used laptop (0 álit)

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 11 mánuðum
Hi! I want to buy an used laptop. Please answer on email RVK

I want to buy used laptop (0 álit)

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 21 árum, 11 mánuðum
Hi ! I am looking to buy an used laptop. RVK

Vantar mig ATX Tolvukassi og CD leikari (0 álit)

í Tölvur og tækni (gamla) fyrir 22 árum
Hi! I am looking for used ATX computer-box and a CD player. Instead of driving to sorpa, maybe you could sell it for a couple of beers. Takk!

Photographer looking for a make-up artist (0 álit)

í Tíska & útlit fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
Photographer(in RVK)is looking for a talented make-up artist to cooperate in various artistic projects. (This offer has rather no financial purpose at the moment) I am looking for person hepful to accomplish my visions and I can offer high quality images in return. To be honest I am already in cooperation with two another make-up artists but often it is not enough. I am shooting mostly fashion, portraits and fine art, in studio and on locations (Reykjavik and close areas) I have an access to...

Photographer is looking for stylist / fashion designer / talented tailor (student?) (3 álit)

í Tíska & útlit fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Photographer is looking for a stylist / fashion designer / talented tailor (student?) - creative person with good taste of fashion to cooperate in projects. I am looking for a person who would be able to prepare the concepts for photo sessions (matching the idea with the clothes, accessories, jevellery etc) and/ or also could do a little styling during the session. The unusual, but tasteful ideas are wanted. I have an access to the pro-studio in RVK and I am currently shooting/in touch with...

Stylist / fashion designer /talented tailor wanted (1 álit)

í Tíska & útlit fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Photographer is looking for a stylist / fashion designer (talented tailor etc) to cooperate in projects. I am looking for a creative person with a good taste, who has constructive vision about fashion and would be able to prepare ideas for photosessions (matching the clothes, accessories, jevellery all together) and/or would be helpful as a stylist during the session and so on. Currently I have an access to the pro-studio in RVK, and I am shooting/in touch with several models and a make-up...

Flat screen for sale or exchange (0 álit)

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
I have a flat screen Hyundai 15" in good shape. I am not using it and I am willing to sell it or exchange into a nice motherboard + processor + memory + maybe graphic card The screen is very good and if you gonna buy it I can offer a good price. Please inquiry on my email address. Thanks, Jack

Photographer is looking for a model (RVK) (0 álit)

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Photographer is looking for a nice looking and enthusiastic girl to pose for fashion and fine art pictures, in studio and on locations, Reykjavik and close areas. I am an ex-student of Academy of Art College in San Francisco, currently living in Reykjavik. Free pictures for you from each session. Possible financial profits in the future if we can work well together. visit my website for examples of my recent works. Please answer on email ONLY Thanks.

Minolta 505 SI Dynax Super for sale (3 álit)

í Ljósmyndun fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
This is a semi-pro 35mm camera with changeable lenses. The price is negotiable and depends on the lens you choose: -Minolta fixed50mm 1.7 -Beroflex zoom 35-135 3.5-4 -Tamron zoom 28-200 3.5-5.6 Camera : Autofocus / Manual Autoexposure / manual / program (portrait-sport-landscape-macro-night portrait) Bracketing / multiexposition timer / exposition control (+/-) build-in flash and more I don't remember now Nice, silver colour. The camera hasn't been used too much, it is 99,5% new. I am a...

Photographer looking for a model RVK (2 álit)

í Tíska & útlit fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Photographer is looking for a nice looking and enthusiastic girl to pose for fashion and fine art pictures, in studio and on locations, Reykjavik and close areas. Free pictures for you from each session. Possible financial profits in the future if we can work very well together. I am an ex-student of Academy of Art College in San Francisco, currently living in Reykjavik. It's not a porno or stuff like that. SOME of the examples are avaliable at my website Please answer on...

Graphic designer wanted (0 álit)

í Grafísk hönnun fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Awarded photographer (RVK)is looking for a talented, avantgarde graphic designer to cooperate in various artistic projects. I am shooting mostly fine art, portraits and fashion pictures and I want to be involved in other creative projects, plus as I want some good help with my portfolio at the moment. I can offer high quality images for your portfolio or possible financial profits. Some of the examples of pictures avaliable at my website Please answer on email
  • Síður:
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..