Gleymt lykilorð


Re: Prófstemning og ferðalög

í Skóli fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
það er aðeins eitt sem ég hata við próf og það er allt fyllist á ganginum nokkrum mín fyrir próf og maður getur hvergi hvílt augun á og maður byrjar að líða illa (annað hvort horfir maður of lengi á kvk og maður fær evil look tilbaka eða maður starir í loftið eins og hálfviti.. auðvita horfir maður á kvk en ekki eins og maður er að stara) ;) annars mæti ég bara í rólegheitunum 15 mín fyrir próf og slaka á og horfi á fáar kvk og klæddur svipað og vanalega og sleppti að borða (hehe ég borða...

Re: TIL SÖLU framí stólar úr daewoo lanos

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
grá , blá í miðjunni.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the...

Re: Langar að vita

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
svo þeir losni við ákærur líka (man eftir í Gta3.. norm að ákveði jeppi hvolfdi án erfileika = hvað haldið þið að framleiðendur Gta hefðu tapa miklu ef bíl hefði heiti réttu nafni , minnir að það var landstalker)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he...

Re: hve mörg %

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
48% (what á í erfileika með að gera mission fyrir nightclub.. ræða byssugaurinn og kvikmynda dodo , nenni ekki að eltast við auka misson nema þegar ég hef ekkert að gera) :)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his...

Re: Hversu mikið ertu með completed

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
nenni ekki að kveikja á ps2 en minnir 43% seinast þegar ég gáði.. kannski 53% núna<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas...

Re: Cherry Popper Ísfyrirtækið!

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
ég hef 300 og eitthvað ice cream drop og 93 í einni bumu en enginn cash per day er kominn :/<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just...

Re: Svindl

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hehe nice ;) annars spurði ég einhvern tíman um gameshark í bt og fékk svarið að gameshark væri til hjá þeim.. svoldi dýrt fannst mér.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he...

Re: passar þetta

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
jæja ég er að safna saman crew , hverjið vilja ráða sig til vinnu? oh já vantar líka togara eða flutningskip og tæki til að opna skip á sjávarbotni og flytja allt úr lestum skips uppá yfirborð. tel að hver bíl er að verðmæti 2,5 milj frekar en allt samtals..<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the...

Re: TIL SÖLU framí stólar úr daewoo lanos

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
iss alltaf gleymist eitthvað: Davíð (8470815)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the...

Re: bilabuð benna dót

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hehe já í gær. fannst flottar að celicur þurftu að bakka til að komast inn hehe.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas...

Re: bilabuð benna dót

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
útskýra betur!<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer was...

Re: smá pæling

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
amm ég veit um minnsta kosti 2 = einn í rally eða var þar og svo einn á götunni.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas...

Re: Smá Könnun

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
best að spyrja hér :) hver selur pennzoil hérlendis?<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To...

Re: Versti bíllinn ???

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
með volvo-inn hvernig læti?<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short...

Re: Versti bíllinn ???

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
renault megane coupe ´97 minnir að þessi bíl er á sölu uppí b&L (bláar , illa farið lakk að framan) <br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the...

Re: Fyrsta spurning

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
einn spurning til bilbro: er þetta fyrirtæki sem heitir bílabræður eða bilabro? (man ekki hvað fyrirtækið heitir alveg) :)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the...

Re: A/C komið úr

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
taka bara græjur út ;) það losna margir við fullt af þyngd.. þó ekkert skemmtilegt að hafa engar græjur , annars dugar ferðageislaspilari (þessi litli = “vasa”stærðinn hehe)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his...

Re: nissan pulsar/sunny

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hehe betri.. það fer eftir hvort maður horfir á 200+ hö og 100+ hö ;) og Framhjóladrif og fjórhjóladrif ;) annars þarf ég að fækka bílum frekar en að auka magnið.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure...

Re: Friday the 13th - Bílabúð Benna

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hlýtur að vera opinn á sama tíma og venjulega (þessi keppni er eftir lokun)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and...

Re: nissan pulsar/sunny

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hehe bara ef þú skellir sunny turbo vél í og 4wd ;) (GTI-R)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the...


í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
hehe það er net á litla hrauni.. þó aðallega í stóra hrauni eins og ég kalla það (nýrri bygginginn) hehe. fylgst er manni á netinu.. bannað að fara á irc og svona (eiginlega er lokað á það) iss maður myndi ekki segja frá því ef maður væri inná hrauninu ;) hehe<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the...


í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
döh þitt ;) að yktcool nick passaði við að þú væri ýkt cool að mætta löggu á 145<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas...

Re: Mótor

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
fólk kann ekki að gera mun á sportlegum bíl og sportbíl.. annars finnst mér Lexus hafa gert stórmistök með að smíða Is 200 wagon.<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed...

Re: Mótor

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
málið er bara að einhver ykkar sæki um vinnu hjá mótor? ég kýs mal3.. spurning hvernig hann reddar lotus og fleiri bílum ;) sem maður er viss um að hann reynir að nálgast hehe. fjölmiðlar geta ekki og munu aldrei segja slæmt um hluti sem þeir græða á :(<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes...

Re: nissan pulsar/sunny

í Bílar fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
árgerð? , dyra?<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..