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lani14 Notandi síðan fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum 32 ára kvenmaður
10 stig

Reiði! (5 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
Ég sit hér í öllum drunganum, hugsa í gegnum allt, og reyni að ná mér uppúr þunganum. Haturinn er svo mikill þú ert eins og fokking veira það er ekki nóg að seigja góðann daginn var það eihvað fleira. Heldur þarftu að byrtast í líf mitt og særa mína sál, fokka öllu upp fyrir mér og breyta hjarta mínu í bál. helst myndi ég vilja taka minningu þína og stínga hana með fokk beittri nál. svo ég vildi að þú hefðir tottast útúr lífi mínu og BÚIÐ mál!. Ég rétti þér allt mitt hjarta treysti þér,/en...

My other half:] (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
She has always bin the princess in the hood, she's always the one in a good mood, she has the roots of my heart, she prodects it and makes it grow. My feelings belong in your world, when i'm with you, i can tell you every word. our souls belong together, and they will last forever. if i would loose you the sky would fly away, the stars would stop shining, and my heartbeat would stop whining. i would die inside, i would'nt even try to figth, untill i would see the ligth. the world would be a...

My Childhood:] (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
I had it inside me all my childhood I barely even tutch my food. I never slept tigth, that's just something i can't figth i was trying to think rigth but my body just shaked and my tears was straight and the fear took over my body.. every nigth i just stay'd awake and just felt my heart break. the sounds make me shake,my imagination takes control,and makes me see mistakes. I stare out the window in a middle of a nigth, i never saw the ligth and i was not trying to figth the shadow just...

Vinur minn:] (7 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
He's a bloody hell smooth that's fucking trouth He's very tight and so crazy in a fight. Weast-side is his place beutiful is his face so against him you can't race. I care for him so mutch and my soul he has tutch. He aint wanksta or wimp, Hes just a gangsta and a pimp! He's good in battle and quick to sattle. Our friendship is good and were just hanging out in the hood. He walks around with bling bling in his ear, you can hear the money ching ching but not the fear.

FuckFace:] (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 19 árum, 2 mánuðum
what's the deal? you will never know how i feel your heart is like steel. I wish i could read your mind then i would know that my love is blind. My heart says that i should be trying but my mind says i'm dying! so here i am lying and just crying doing nothing, the memories are just so bad everytime i think about it my soul will be sad. this fucker was always trying to brake me down i just gave him my finger and said:fuck you dawg what are you trying to proof you think you're so hard you...
  • Síður:
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..