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Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XVII (11 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 17 árum, 2 mánuðum
Kraftaverkin gerast enn… Nýr kafli! Njótið vel… “Now, that, Neville is a story too long to tell, just now. I’m in a bit of a hurry. But to sum it up real nice: I died, and then came back. That should be enough for now. How’ve you been?” “Fine, considering.” Neville answered after a while. Harry back from the dead… Neville had never heard of such a thing, but then again, this was Harry Potter, and the rules did not seem to apply when it came to him. “Look, Harry. There’s something you should...

Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XVI (34 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 17 árum, 6 mánuðum
Löng bið. Langur kafli :) Sorrý hvað þetta tók laaaaangan tíma. Ég komst einhvern veginn ekki í múidð fyrr en núna fyrir stuttu. En alla vega, þá vona ég að lengdin á kaflanum sé smá sárabót. :I The occupants at Nr. four privet drive jumped in their seats when a man and a woman appeared in their living room, right in front of the telly. Dudley went deathly pale; there were wizards in the house, and as a result, Dudley ran out of the living room, his fat hands hugging his ass. Arthur Weasley...

Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XV (42 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 17 árum, 10 mánuðum
Loksins, loksins… Harry slowly walked down the hill, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Nothing much had happened since he’d destroyed the last Horcrux, the one in the Himalayas. But as he walked, he began to realise, just how long it had been since he left NR. 4 Privet Drive. Two years to the day. Two years. He had been so busy, he almost had not taken notice. He was nineteen. Wow, I’m gettin’ old! Ha, ha, haa… He didn’t understand why Fawkes had sent him here first, because...

Firsta revjúv - Harry Potter og Fönixreglan - Spoilers (19 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 17 árum, 11 mánuðum
Þessi umfjöllun um 5. Harry Potter bókina er Test Screening, svo að margt getur breyst. Ég ætti að byrja á því að láta ykkur vita að grein þessi inniheldur spoilera. Þetta er ekkert sem kemur til með að skemma fyrir ykkur myndina, en ef þið viljið sjá hana án þess að vita neitt, þá ættuð þið ekki að lesa :) (Þar sem ég er að þýða þetta frá annari síðu, þá sínir þetta á engan hátt mínar eigin skoðanir á því sem viðkemur myndunum.) Myndin var vel gerð að mestu leiti. Leikurinn er alltaf að...

Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XIV (50 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum
Harry rushed through the air, mind racing. The images Fawkes had sent him were a but unnerving. He was headed towards the Himalayas, the fabled mountain range of the East. Evidently the next Horcrux was inside a long forgotten temple, in a pass, high in the mountains, unreachable by any than the flying birds, and in Harry’s case, flying wizard. He reached Nepal the following morning, landed in a heavily wooded area and lay down to get some rest. He was tired, extremely tired, in fact. Well,...

Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XIII (34 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum
Loksins, loksins… I must be out of my fucking mind, making a promise like that. What the hell was I thinking? I needed them on my side, ‘tis true, but there must have been a better way… Harry was shaking his head at those thoughts. No time for regrets. It was time for action. He needed to find Snape whatever the cost, but, still, he had to hurry. He could not delay any longer. But how? How was he supposed to find the man, he had no idead where he was. But Harry knew he had to find Snape and...

Harry Potter warrior of light - kafli XII (27 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 2 mánuðum
Harry sat on the ground, next to the grave, looking into space. He had sat there for a long time, not saying a word. They killed Remus. I hate them! But they are just people, who were afraid of Greyback, and did it under his orders… Perhaps I can convince them to fight for us? Yeah, I’ll try that… He got up and looked over the group of people that had gathered in front of him. He cleared his throat; “Who did it? Who of you here were the ones that kidnapped Remus? Show yourselves!” Harry said...

Topp 15 (62 álit)

í Kvikmyndir fyrir 18 árum, 2 mánuðum
Mig langar til þess að telja upp mínar 15 uppáhaldsmyndir, og segja hvers vegna ég vel þær… 1. Finding Neverland… Ástæða: Það er erfitt að segja. Vanalega er ég ekki hrifinn af myndum af þessu tagi, þó ein og ein fari í DVD spilarann sem mér fynnst góðar. Snilldarlega vel leikin af öllum, og þá sérstaklega Johnny Depp, og Freddy Highmore… Það er reyndar staðreynd að ég á eftir að finna lélega mynd þar sem Johnny Depp er lead… 2. LOTR FOTR… Ástæða: Ein besta bók sem ég hef lesið, en myndin er...

Harry Potter, warrior of light - 11 kafli (20 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 2 mánuðum
Þessi kafli er blóðugur… Vildi bara láta vita :) I’m not in the mood, I’m NOT in the mood… Harry stood in the doorway, and was looking at the fucking dog that lay in the middle of the room, drooling all over. He took a step and was now inside the large chamber. As soon as he set a foot inside the room, the stone up in the ceiling opened, and revealed the only way out… The same way he came in. Harry stood there for a while, trying to figure out what to do. The hatch was to high up, so there...

Harry Potter warrior of light - 10 kafli (24 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 3 mánuðum
Harry awoke. Shit! Mental note; don’t ever sleep with a rock sticking into your back… Hurts like shit! The young man was then aroused to full awareness by a soft, shrill. Fawkes. The royal bird sat upon a small boulder right next to him. He looked at him with sad eyes and then without warning sent an image to Harry’s head. Stonehenge. Harry was then released from the Phoenix’s spell, and again felt drained, as if he had run a marathon. Aw come on, Voldy. Stonehenge! Oh that’s so cliché....

Harry Potter, Warrior of Light-9 kafli (10 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 3 mánuðum
Sorry hvað þetta tók langan tíma, ég póstaði kaflanum um daginn, en gleymdi að láta fylgja númer kaflans, og nafn sögu :S :S :S :S Harry made his way trough Hogwarts shadowy hallways. In the shadows. Always in the shadows. He crept silently towards the Headmaster’s office, making no sound, quite pleased with himself. Until he heard a voice behind him. He turned… “What do you think happened, Hagrid?” Hermione was still quite shaken, but her curiosity won her over. Hagrid looked at her for a...

Harry Potter Warrior of light - 8 kafli (10 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 3 mánuðum
Veit að þessi er stuttur, en ég er langt kominn með næsta, svo að ég get byrjað að lengja kaflana þá… Enjoy! Harry walked into the grove and was met with at least one hundred individual arrows, all pointed at either his head or his heart. He held his hands, palms forward to make clear that he had no evil intentions. “What business have you here… Human!” Bane spat out the words as if Harry was some nasty thing crawled out of a puddle of mud. Harry eyed the half-horse disdainfully, and turned...

Harry Potter, Warrior of Light - 7. kafli (13 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
Harry walked out of the castle, broom in hand and in a thick travelling cloak. (It was raining, and it was cold.) He swung his leg over the broom and kicked hard at the ground, ascending fast into the air. This was his place, the sky, the freedom, no problems could put the thrill of flying out of the young Potter’s mind. After few moments of flying aimlessly around, he set his course due north, towards Hogwarts. The train ride passed uneventfully for Ron, Hermione and Ginny, excpet when they...

Harry Potter warrior of light - 5 kafli (13 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
“What was he doing in there, Mary? He was not ready for this. He should never have touched that sphere, it’s a miracle he didn’t die, Mary. He got pretty close to it.” Harry lay in bed and listened to the old couple outside his room. He felt bad because they felt bad. He yawned loudly and stepped out from the bed, and to his immense surprise, he didn’t fell tired at all, nor weak. He looked around the room for his clothes, but there did not seem to be any in the room. He then took his wand...

Harry Potter warrior of light - 5 kafli (7 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
Harry Potter was slowly waking up, his whole body hurting like he had been hit with a jack hammer. He slowly, but surely rose from the chair and quickly grabbed the book when it fell from his knees. He left the library and into the hallway, from which he entered the kitchens. He saw William and Mary there, talking quietly to each other. “Not talking about me behind my back are you?” The two ghosts promptly went quiet and started busying themselves around the kitchen, with stressed movements....

Harry Potter, Warrior of Light - 4 kafli (8 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
Ronald Weasley lay in his bed at the Burrow, next to a sleeping Hermione. She looked so peaceful when she slept. That’s when we forget the troubles of the world around us and venture into a world that only we know of. The world of our dreams. As he lay in his bed, Ron remembered a fateful night two years ago… “He’s gone.” “Who’s gone” “Harry. He’s gone.” Ron looked at his mum with a sceptical look on his face. “What do you mean he’s gone? Harry wouldn’t do that, not to us. He said he was...

Harry Potter warrior of light - 3 kafli (8 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
Harry turned and nearly dropped his wand from shock. The figure in the doorway was a ghost. The ghost seemed to be old, to have died a long, long time ago. His clothes looked rich, so Harry assumed he had been a waiter in the house of Gryffindor. “Would the master care to step inside, please…” The waiter stepped aside and let Harry into the castle. There were tapestries all over the walls; many of them were images of Hogwarts in its prime. Harry simply stared at them with sad eyes. He missed...

Harry Potter, Warrior of Light - (11 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
“Rise and shine, pretty boy!” Said the voise in Harry’s head. Harry’s answer came as a no surprise: “I don’t want to get up, I’m tired.” “Oh, I am tired. Alright then, let’s just stay asleep for a year or so and when I wake up Voldemort will be gone!” The voice in Harry’s head was mocking him. The young man snickered at the sense of humour he’d developed over his journeys. Straight forward and often dripping with sarcasm he’d made snappy jokes into the face of certain death. That’s how he...

Harry Potter, Warrior of Light (Er á ensku - PG 13) (22 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 18 árum, 4 mánuðum
Harry Potter was on his back on the ground next to a camp fire, trying to get some sleep, but yet again too no avail. The young boy, well, not such a boy anymore had changed dramatically in the two years that had past since Dumbledore’s death. He was no longer the skinny boy everyone had known, but a sword wielding, armour wearing warrior, who had spent the better part of two years locating and destroying Lord Voldermort’s Horcuxes. He had developed rifting, but not really bulging muscles...

Arto Ellamytholin- NWN Fanfic (8 álit)

í Tölvuhlutverkaleikir fyrir 20 árum
Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Oki, þessi saga er um karakterinn minn í Neverwinter Nights. Ég nota nafnið Icewind Dale bara vegna þess að það tengist Forgotten Realms. Ég hef ekki spilað hann svo ég þekki engin nöfn eða neitt, svo gallharðir aðdáendur, ekki taka það nærri ykkur þó að það sé algjört bull í þessu. The story of Arto Ellamytholin- Prolouge The great scholar, Jadus sat on the floor in one of the many book halls in castle Never surrounded by few children. “Come now children....

Harry Potter og kvikskiptingarnir 2 kafli (7 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 20 árum, 6 mánuðum
Harry gekk til náða um kvöldið og reyndi að sofna. Það gekk illa eins og venjulega. En að lokum tókst honum að sofna í tvo, þrjá tíma. Hann vaknaði með andfælum við umgang fyrir utan herbergið. Hann settist upp og greip sprotann sinn. Harry leitaði að gleraugunum, sem höfðu dottið á gólfið í æsingnum. Hann setti þau upp og læddist fram á ganginn, og þar mætti hann manni sem hann átti ekki von á að hitta. “Dumbledore prófessor, hvað ert þú að gera hér?” Spurði Harry hissa. Dumbledore horfði á...

Harry Potter og kikskiptingarnir Fyrsti kafli (11 álit)

í Harry Potter fyrir 20 árum, 7 mánuðum
Harry potter og kvikskiptingarnir. Siriusi nærri veittur kossinn, Sirius flýgur burt á Grágoggi, Sirius í eldstæðinu Sirius í Hroðagerði… Sirius drepinn… Bellatrix hlæjandi yfir líkina á Siriusi… “NEI!!!, þú lætur hann vera!” öskrar drengur að nafni Harry Potter. Hann situr á rúmi sínu í Hroðagerði, kófsveittur og þvalur. Harry leit í kringum sig og áttar sig á því að herbergisfélagar hans; Hermione og Ron, auk Lupins og Tonks horfðu á hann. “Harry er ekki allt í lagi?” Spurði Tonks,“dreymdi...
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