“Once there was a Viking that drank some Ale. He got so drunk that he crashed his ship and found Iceland” - By Úlli Nice<br><br><hr size=5 width=100% align=left> <i>“Life Is Short And Hard… Kind Of Like A Body-Builded Midget”</i> <i>“Öllu Gríni Fylgir Alvara”</i> <hr size=5 width=20% align=left> <b><i><a href="http://kasmir.hugi.is/UlliNice/“>Úlli Nice</a href></b></i> In The Arse <img src=”http://kasmir.hugi.is/kasmir/umsjon/synamynd.php3?uname=UlliNice&myndnafn=Shock Rifle Miss.gif“> <img...