Holly shit, sprengingar á World Trading Center ( Twin Towers), Pentegon, og Wall Street. Talið versta hriðjuverk sem hefur verið nokkurn tíma framið!!!1. Bara fyrir ykkur sem hafa ekki kíkt á þetta !!!! www.skynews.com
ÉG !!!!!!<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Ég spilaði demóið af nr.1 og þegar að ég sá skilti sem stóð á Beware Dogs, þá hætti ég um leið!<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Ég þegi núna!<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Amen to that!<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Wrong board!<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Hvað, þú hlýtur að vita hvað mig þykir vænt um Microsoft..<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
RoyalFool hvað gerði ég núna?<br><br>—————————————————————————- Price of Xbox: $299.99 Price of Xbox controller: $34.95 Price of Xbox game: $49.99 Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .
Segji það, nenniði síðan að hætta að vera alltaf utan í mér og skamma mig fyrir allt sem ég geri. Þá kæmist kannski friður og ró á þetta áhugamál. I´m like the PS2, hard to get along with!
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