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Satanboy Notandi frá fornöld Karlmaður
1.012 stig
you think I'm different, when we are truly the same, I only show what others hide.

Anti-livesong (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 1 mánuði
I thought our relationship was strong but obviusly I was wrong now I see you with him and I remember that you cheated on me in late december what the fuck were you thinking and why the fuck do I care out of all the people you had to pick me and out of all the stupid things I had to pick you I guess then you got bored and then you scored with my best friend, you fucking whore you don't even know me and I don't want to know you you should have seen this coming but you were too busy fucking...

inside (9 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
sit outside your bedroom window wondering how to get in I want to make you sleep forever I want to taste and touch your skin immortalize this perfect moment dress you up and brush your hair dance with you becouse I love you taste your lips because I care as I make love I remember the past but I forgive you we're togeather at last I know you love me because I set you free I'm so fucking fucked up inside I have allways dreamed of you and all those perfect things you do I never looked your way...

The E.N.D. (5 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 11 mánuðum
I don’t think you understand Why I am the E.N.D. I don’t want to be with you That’s why I’m leaving you Behind Don’t you try to see thing my way My life’s a highway If you try to be like me You’re blind you can’t see That I’m not like the rest of mankind Girl you’re blind, girl you’re blind Open up your eyes and look around you Open up your eyes and look around you Girl, we’re through There’s something wrong with you It’s more than I knew Look around Listen to the sound Of my voice As I tell...

my pray (8 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
it was a lonely darkened night I felt the rain fall down on me I had never seen the light it was so deep inside of me I have tryed to be kind there is evil inside of me I have killed more than twice so much hate inside of me I can feel you see right through you deep inside you damn you're ugly! rip into you look inside you feel as you do still you're ugly! throw you away don't want to play you were my pray Fuckin' ugly hate inside me ripping through me shit, I'm uglt why was I made this way!...

kick the clown (6 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
we've known each other for three years it is time I face my fears finally you see inside there is something I have to hide my depression will scare you away nothing can ever stop me nothing can ever slow me down finally I am free finally I wear my crown I'm not sure I can explain the reason that I am insane it's not cause of you and me I was hoping you would see I hope this won't scare you away it's not hard to stop me it's not hard to slow me down I can't say I am free I know that I am the...

Imperfect asshole (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
so what is I'm different why do you gotta stare I still pay my bills and the rent like the rest of you fuckers I really don't care why do you gotta stand there laughin' at my hair thank go I ain't like you badmouthin' your friends I'm an asshole too guess nobody's perfect take your head out of your ass and take alook around I'll smack you so hard that your feet might touch the ground in this world of yours nothin' is real you make the rules you set the deal but here's what's real; I don't...

hver þarf vini (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
mér illa við fólk nema svona eitt í einu um leið og maður talar við það verður það að ekki neinu ég hef reynt og reynt en allt fyrir ekki neitt allt þetta fólk það getur engu breytt ég get ekki að því gert að ég er öðruvísi en hinir fólk segir alltaf; “þú ert svo skrítinn, við verðum aldrei vinir” svona gengur þetta aftur og aftur úr mér allur kraftur og eftir stendur ekki neitt meiri orku ætla ég ekki að eyða í annað fólk það reynir mig að meiða og ég þoli ekki meira…

my bubbleworld (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
you're standing on the shoreline waving my boat goodbye still I keep on sailing with what is mine thinking of me you cry a tear sailing away I have no fear creating this bubble that is my world my new world there is no you and I there is no need to rey anymore there is only me and my I don't care fo you anymore you're a whore never knowing the things I knew keep on doing the drugs you do I don't care cause this is my goodbye don't lie but what do you care if I leave I know you have someone...

So the game begins (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
please don't stay with me fall away from me I will never be the same my heart not in place you are a disgrase I guess we'll never be saved the pain unstoppable it's unbearable wish I hadn't played your game let the games begin I am sure to win now we're playing by my book I am the referee you are sure to see I will get back what you took my brain in overload I will not be slowed my victory is closing in after I conquer you I will run you through your life has ran it's course now I am the...

uncureable sickness of the soul (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 8 mánuðum
I am difined as normal I push people away so the pain will be minimal nobody gets to stay I am afraid of people I am afraid of you I am not that simple prombles got bigger as I grew now I am an adult but my youth still haunts me I look like a junky just so people let me be I trust noone not even myself I need someone but theres noone there I kicked them all away so here alone in the dark this is where I'll stay

baðið tæmist og klakinn bræðnar (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 9 mánuðum
í baði sýrusorgar ég bráðna og afmyndast einsog lítið barn sem vælir og orgar ég berst fyrir lífi mínu ástin er undirförul ógeðsleg og slímug slóttug og svikul og mér blæðir fyrir það ég upplifði ást hélt að lífið væri fullkomið sú hugmynd brást og nú er það rotið eyði mestum mínum tíma einn og með sjálfum mér brosið er gríma sett upp fyrir alla hina kalið hjarta og fölnuð sál við sjálfan mig kvarta tendra reiðibál ráfa um nóttina í leit að svari tala við stúlkuna hún vill að ég fari heim ég...

unsure of my ego (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
they came from the darkenss with there hoods and there knifes the crome to my face they stained there lives sirens, knockig, a man with a badge asking how this could accur I tell the my story but the faces are in a blur I'm the only witness but I'm not much help they uphold the law and protect my life but what I saw I can't really tell cause my head is a mess so the more I tell they know less at home I lay thinking about that night how to act, what to say I honestly don't know I feel so...

Thou ist not whom thou once were (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
as it has ended so shall it begin in the real world I have landed unlike my kin I shall prove myself worthy and I shall prove that you are not everything you ever wanted will be what I have got you say you love me but fuck my foes you do love me do you not? you have hurt me you hurt me alot but my love for you remains without any strings nor strains I think it is time for a change of pace I will not die without grace -The Poet

not lonely nor happy (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
being alone does not make you lonely wanting the company of others makes you lonely learn to be your own company this can be hard at first but very satisfactory if you sucseed lock yourself up and stay inside don't call anyone stay up at night then you'll be happy you´ll be just like me this philosophy is crappy since when am I happy

ósnertanlegur einmannleiki (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
mig ei má snerta líkt og málningarblautann vegg það myndi húð mína erta og ég yrði meiðslin ein ég er holur í hausnum í honum er ekkert nema loft ég sit heima og húki ég hugsa ekki oft tala við tómið tilgerðar-félagann heyri að aðeins ómið af eigin rödd ekkert svar er til enginn vill útskýra enginn veit hvað ég vill ég efast um eigin vitsmuni

Diabolus segir; (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
eldurinn inní mér er að brenna burt sálina ég fylgist með þér og bíð eftir mistökum ég veit ekki hvort þú æfðir þig eða hvort þú ert bara fæðingarhálfviti ekki dirfast að særa mig hvað þá hana því ef þú særir hana þá ertu að særa mig þá verður þú í hödum mínu hjálparvana á meðan ég risti úr þér tunguna sker af þér fingurna einn og einn og plokka svo úr þér augun ég verð ekki seinn ég kem um leið og ég heyri hjarta hennar brotna til að sína þér að djöfullinn er til og hann veit hver þú ert og...

mad violinplay (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
so it shuts down this heart of sadness the shutdown is caused by utter and total madness mind and body no longer the same my body wants to rest while my mind plays a game it plays with my life it plays me like a violin like the sharpest knife it cuts deep into my soul making me bad making me evil a bit glad to not have to feel it this pain feelings can cause I have nothing to gain for I want nothing I have nothing to lose for I have nothing but pain and madness I die alone without sadness...

eitt sinn ég átti, eitt sinn ég gaf. (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
hvernig getur þú verið svona sjónlaus sérðu ekki allt ruglið veistu ekkert í þinn haus eða ertu að reyna að kvelja mig skiluru ekki að mér þykir vænt um þig að ég er að reyna að hjálp þér er þér kannski alveg sama um mig skipti ég þig engu máli þú átt hug minn heilan og hjartað líka ávallt sama deilan dreg ég þig niður eða þú mig nú sé ég hvað ég átti það var hjarta þitt en það ekki mátti svo þú tókst það í burt nú sit ég með tárin í augunum og hugsa um þig ásóttur af draugunum sem er...

white child of the night (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
a dark cold night is my time to live in the dim moonlight I feel alive it seems to me that just to see you must put out the lights around you a child of the night a person, oh, so bright black on the outside white within happy to live and I like to give nobody knows this its a secret of mine kindness is my blizz that is why I'm evil let go of myself let go of all others I have nothing therefor I can see everybody wants something so the come to me to get what they want to see what they need...

trúir þú? (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
þessi falska trú á guð og engla himnaríki og jesú ég sé þetta fólk sem svefngengla sem neitar að vakna dofið í hausnumog vill deyfa mig líka gefa prestunum all og gera þá ríka sjá ekki blekkinguna sjá ekki sannleikann guð er dauður og lík hans ég fann ég hrækti á það og hló og tók við af honum sem alvaldur -The Poet

my friend Joe (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
walking down the hallway, it's so white and shiny wearing white clothes so I don't seem to be there I'm imprisoned in the darkness that surrounds me it is white, just to give us all a scare I ask every day if they can take me home they just lough and say: “you're allready there” poking me with needles I can't say that I like it can't they see the burden that I bare I ain't no schizophranic I am not insane I need no medication they just bring me pain they strap me to my bed, and say that I've...

The nature of evil (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
so my world is upside down so my face looks like a clown so what if I get fired so what if I'm allways tired I just wan't to sleep and be left alone I'm in to deep depression is my home locked away from the world outside but I like it this way who cares if I have no pride it is the price I pay born a looser born too weak became a boozer don't know what I seek is it joy is it fun is it a toy is it a gun to show to people how they'we treated me kicked me down and disrespected me walked by...

21st century lovesong (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven time tick away minute by minute even though you're gone and you're not coming back I can't say I regret, regret whats in'em cause it's time withyou I don't want to forget it I need you and I miss you I love you but this is my fight and I fight alone I need you and I miss you I love you but this is my fight and I fight alone you don't seem to see that you are everything to me my heart seems to be with someone far away from me this hurts me so...

hring eftir hring eftir hring eftir hring (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
lífið er eins aftur og aftur ekki til neins enginn kraftur alltaf það sama ég er búinn að fá nóg þetta er mér til ama ég vill ekki meir minn bjargvættur er snúra sem ég festi í krók svo fer ég að lúra en vakna ekki aftur ég svíf á brott enginn mín saknar það er víst eins gott að ég stutti þessi leiðindi -The Poet

Love/Hate - stay/go (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
so deep in my soul so far from my heart the pain deep inside is tearing us apart still I love you cant be without you but I cant stand you practically hate you I can feel love I can feel hate it comes from above it is fate I´ll be with you always won´t leave never -The Poet
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..