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dirty dance (6 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
Allt sem ég get Claim position/is a lame dirty ass kissin/ II be pitchin/ schemin on new different kind a tradition, can yaw vision, genuine style/ catchin me now / Unbearable flow/who squeeze the spirit, increase some more lyrics/ cuz this my line to released the thoughts of mine, who been laying behind bars/ time to face the fact/introduce the ill rhyme sayer/ who been waiting to start this course/cuz each and every time I trip and fall and get stabbed in the back/ a small clap would be...

It's so hard (7 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
This rap game is no fucking playground, not to play wit, you better respected bitch, cuss there's a other emcees, who spit iller lyrics then you dip, and they represented it, and love it like they love a females body, and most of them are nobodies, who dream about blow up and be somebody, and only shit that they have is a sweaty grip on this magic twig, and couples of beats they hesitate to put out, isn't that's some shiiiit, always inside the crowd, getting wild, screaming loud, rottweiler...

It,s so hard (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
This rap game is no fucking playground, not to play wit, you better respected bitch, cuss there's a other emcees, who spit iller lyrics then you dip, and they represented it, and love it like they love a females body, and most of them are nobodies, who dream about blow up and be somebody, and only shit that they have is a sweaty grip on this magic twig, and couples of beats they hesitate to put out, isn't that's some shiiiit, always inside the crowd, getting wild, screaming loud, rottweiler...

It,s so hard (0 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
This rap game is no fucking playground, not to play wit, you better respected bitch, cuss there's a other emcees, who spit iller lyrics then you dip, and they represented it, and love it like they love a females body, and most of them are nobodies, who dream about blow up and be somebody, and only shit that they have is a sweaty grip on this magic twig, and couples of beats they hesitate to put out, isn't that's some shiiiit, always inside the crowd, getting wild, screaming loud, rottweiler...

My second rhyme (3 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
My first flow was lame, like everybody be facing when they first started to talk in this game, take there first walk on this lane, we all got the reason to make mistakes, but aim t same of my self, more practicing I do, the more better I come, so well, thank all of yaw who type the comments, because that made the bell ring, I am canceling to got to hell, instead I am sitting in front of my desk, wit this paper and pen, with too much shit on my chest, but aint strong enough to be nav in a...

Mín fyrsta rýma (9 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
I have been in this game so long,im mean whats going on,everytime i put out a rhyme ya people denided,im doing somethign wrong,a only write lyrics about how good im,playing wit these word,dont even curse,still i find obsticles,who crash somhow and somway cross my miracles,im always on my way to a masterpeice,suddenly,i lose my greive,dont no wants really holding me,been planing on all my life let spirit breath through me right,cuz all i have is this fucking mic,who gives me more pian,wit no...
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