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Re: unreal 2 seinkað

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ef ég væri með betri vél myndi ég spila RTCW<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: oki.... Instagib server :D

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ótrúlegt en satt þá er ég sammála…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect


í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ef fólk vill endilega spila TO þá getur það spilað CS, það eru miklu fleiri spilarar þar…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: oki.... Instagib server :D

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Og hafa 1000% Friendly fire í gangi, þá má ekki einu sinni hoppa á vin án þess að gibba hann. Það reyndar hefur þann galla að hálfvitar geta drepið friendly flag carrier en kemur jafnframt í veg fyrir að fólk sé að blasta vinum þvert yfir mappið. Ég hef oft verið að spila á InstaGib CTF server með 1000% FF á og það var mjög gaman, þjálfar hittnina ennþá betur þar sem að það má ekki skjóta út í bláin, því þá á maður í hættu að drepa vin…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following...

Re: oki.... Instagib server :D

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ég er til í að fá InstaGib, þá sérstaklega CTF InstaGib…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect


í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
En það er mikið varið í Strike Force…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Einstaklinga Tournament.

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Þá er það bara að taka þátt og verða betri…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Leiðinda húmor

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
En það er einmitt pointið að pirra ykkur, þá gerið þið líklegar mistök. GJ pirrar mig ekki, enda veit ég í hvaða tilgangi þetta er skrifað, en ég skrifa þetta yfirleitt bara þegar mér finnst það vera einstaklega “flott” flag-run og ég átti þátt í að hjálpa til.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll...

Re: Instagib server á landinu

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
More words, InstaGib sucks not. Breyta CTF2 því það þolir enginn þann server, breyta honum í instagib, halda DOM servernum þar sem að hann var einn af frægustu serverunum í HEIMI (Samkvæmt NGWorldstats allavegana)…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Enn eitt nöldrið....

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Þú bara heldur það… Ég spila slatta undir altnikkum í einhverju flippi.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Instagib server á landinu

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ég er sammála, en ekki hafa lowgrav… hafa þetta bara Instagib annaðhvort CTF eða dm…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Enn eitt nöldrið....

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Ég býð mig fram, en ég leyfi öðrum að ráða hvort þeim finnist ég þess verðugur.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Hvernig væri að gefa upp dagsetningu? [nt]

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: könnunin

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
No shit braindead…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Vér mótmælum allir! Við viljum nýjan mapp-pakka!

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Reyndar ekki snillingurinn þinn, ég bara bjó þar.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Vér mótmælum allir! Við viljum nýjan mapp-pakka!

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Enda líka ertu… hvað var það aftur???? já, snillingur…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Hvað þarf til að geta spila Unreal

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Hafðu frekar gamla CoverOp nikkið… það var miklu flottara… Og btw, ég tala alltaf um þig sem coverop og bunny sem bunny en ekki potent….<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Vér mótmælum allir! Við viljum nýjan mapp-pakka!

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Hvað með að búa til lítið forrit sem að býr til í hverri viku random maplista af þeim sem eru í maps foldernum… Þá kemur random listi í hverri viku… Enginn veit hvaða möpp eru í gangi, né í hvaða röð þau eru…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Um servera

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
InstaGib CTF…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: HVERNIG?????

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
DIPPER: Bara láta vita að það er ekki alt, heldur alt gr, sem er ekki sami takkin… alt gr er það sama og að ýta á ctrl-alt í sumum tilvkum, og ekki fara að rífast í mér út af þessu því ég veit þetta… (Sem þýðir að ég er búinn að margreyna þetta)<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Thursa unreal!!

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Eða kupa bikar fyrir peninginn og hafa svona game-cup… eins og í clanbase… bara hugmynd…

Re: Listi yfir UT2 vopn á UnrealOps

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Skiptir það máli? Fólk er misjafnt með mismunandi vopnum. Og ég kalla redeemer EKKI vopn.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Listi yfir UT2 vopn á UnrealOps

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
redeemer er yfirleitt flokkaður sem powerup en af standard vopnunum gerir shock combo mestann skaða, nema í headshot þá er það ripperinn. Þið sjáið það allt hér.<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Nýr maplisti!

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Burning og Thorns sjúga feitann…<br><br>Radiance ——– “A few pointers about following people. People know that they are being followed if they turn around and see someone following them. They don't know that they are being followed if you get there first.” - Daryll Zero; Zero Effect

Re: Eru góðir kortagerðamenn grafnir þarna úti?

í Unreal fyrir 22 árum, 9 mánuðum
Og svo má ekki gleyma að gera areaportals til að hjálpa til við að halda polygonunum niðri. Lavagiant er gott dæmi um über notkun á areaportals.
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..