Gleymt lykilorð


Winter comes (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 19 árum, 4 mánuðum
winter comes as much as i despise winter (just like the next guy, and the third) i feel, in the weirdest fashion, akin to him there's this understanding; mutual respect, even reverance when i step outside in the morning every morning it feels as if we're starting a conversation and it's comfortable no awkward pauses or nervous slips we have all the time in the world if something's left unsaid in april it comes back in octobe

Corny (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 7 mánuðum
I can't live without you drives me mad just to try miss holding your hand getting harder to cry Been shedding blue tears for months and on end feels like half of my years have been spent in this land Sand in my shoes a grain for each thought your kisses were wine my throat's parched by draught The sky spells your name in clouds by day twinkling stars by night but beneath both I pray So I guess what I'm saying is that I really miss you though the words I am using may not reach out to you

(!) (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 8 mánuðum
Abyssmally aware of how lonely I've become, I beg and plead insanity to jury, judge, and mom Hoping that incarceration with people of my kind might give me sense of right amense and friendship, too, might find The gun I shot, disposed at sea, her body buried deep All while Dad was with that whore and thought we were asleep So, as I'm dragged, down corridors screaming out my lungs kicking at imagined foes monitored by Jung's I sure as hell ‘ll be thinking to myself as if other’d ever do(!)...

SMS-ást (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
Eitt laggott og klisjulegt til að senda elskunni sinni Loving you is fatal; tears the heart each day. Loving you is murder; hurt me as it may. Loving you is immoral; makes me feel unGodly. Loving you is sin; satisfies my oddly. Loving you is wrong; makes other people scorn me. Loving you is right; as long as you will love me.

Across the hall (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 9 mánuðum
Sometimes, around me there's no one talking so I try speaking and like what I hear I use my own words the ones I had made up before I had grown up to learn what they mean I dabble my coffee I play with my water my pater, my mater stuck watching TV My friends in the walls they came from the desert to me, for some reason they would never tell Thought they heard me talking guess I misunderstood when I spoke my private words silent went my cell but now I'm pushing twenty-and-something can you...

Optimal (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 10 mánuðum
Hello, you all Let me introduce My lover, my bane my good friend cocaine He flys over hills He pays all my dues Gets right up my ass and rides on first class Nightly beats up my wife Daily gets on my knees Begs her kindly to stay Ne'er again, baby please

Hlýjasta ástin (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 11 mánuðum
Oh, to be a kitten lying at your side Stunned by your aroma cuddled by your thigh Purring little words that seep in through your dreams and wake you up at night full of thoughts of love and bowls of tasty creams

Steed (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 12 mánuðum
Grabs the back of my neck and I feel myself choke on his throbbing, unsatisfied hungering hard-on My tonsils taste smegma his foreskin tastes phlegm scrapes the back of my throat again and again My stomach starts turning he draws himself back I'm in love with an urning completely lost track Knees against key-bones hands weave through hair softly he moans his breath fills the ai

Hello (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
Meeting me's no pity I need no introduction I bring Sodoma to your city And give dead men an erection I give lepers poisoned tit I corrupt all that's new I push old ladies' shit And I make your dog spew I bring babies to existence To die in the mothers' arms Pestilence without refrence And a locust on every farm I hope you've guessed my name

Autoeulogy (sjálfs-líkræða) (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
Love me for this one last time before I start my final climb to greater hights to brighter shores and peaceful nights free of remorse This time, a gift for us to keep so dream of me each time you sleep I ask you this I hope you hear There's nothing to miss and nothing to fear Everything I said was true Each time I uttered “I love you” So, here's for you and all your smiles I'm stepping to the other side

Mér líður ekki nógu vel (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
Ég vildi að ég gæti gert mig skiljanlegan talað eins og hinir og fengið þig aftur Orð féllu rangan veg og villtust á leið Allt var meint vel eins vel og ég gat Ég er ekki eins og flestir gerast Ég virðist ekki alltaf mjúkur Ég reyni og reyni að fá að nálgast En enda ávallt uppi jafn sjúkur Mig vantar mikla hjálp en kann ekki að leita þessum ástsjúka hvolp er víst auðvelt að neita Ég kenni sjálfum mér um og þessi penni er vitni að það sem gerist hér næst verður alls engin slysni Ég stíg upp á...

Angelic homo-eroticism (seinni hluti) (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 1 mánuði
You did not choose this; you simply got framed No need to take this or to leave here ashamed So, he handed you keys you need your feathers more drag them down through the sewers and fly right off the shore Reach higher grounds green grass grows yonder you'll feel out of bounds and still you will ponder what interest I have what's in it for me there must be a snag some payment, some fee But listen, my love, all I want is your key and for no other cause, but of you being free Leave this to me...

Angelic homo-eroticism (fyrri hluti) (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Hey, beautiful boy, though sex don't define you, I consider you ‘man’ and I want to help you I've dreamt of you constantly sweating through nights We get amorous, and instantly I wake up with frights So I made my choice I tracked you down out of what I call ‘love’ and in which I would drown Had I not come here tonight with fiery heart To remind you of your plight I'll begin from the start 'Never pray to that God Never stray out of Nod Always keep in the shadows hide there below us And you...

Góðan dag (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Þú ert það fallegasta. Ég vakna og heyri í þér. Ekki hátt, bara nóg til að vita að þetta er ekki búið. Nóg til að vita að þetta er ekki draumur. Að velta mér við á hverjum morgni og reka nefbroddinn beint í þinn, vonast eftir smá viðbrögðum; kannski opnast augun. Þú þoldir ekki þegar ég gerði þetta í fyrstu skiptin. Ekkert gagnvart mér, þér brá bara svo. Bara leiðin hans Tígra að góðum degi.

Sængurvera (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 2 mánuðum
Skuggi í skjóli nætur snýr gömlum hurðahún svala í húmi grætur ég spyr mig “Sefur hún?” Ég man hvað mér fannst frábært að láta kítla mig “nei pabbi, ekki!” og hlátrarsköllin fylgdu en nú er orðið óbært að láta snerta mig “nei pabbi, ekki” og ekkasogar fylgja Gustur undir sængina kunnulegur kökkur “Sussu, litli drengurinn, ekki vera klökkur”

Hraðar (6 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
Kóngur minn í ríki þínu dreifir fögnuði skapar þegna Sendiboðinn hleypur fellur um holu klifrar upp og kemur að dalnum Hnitar hringi klifrar upp og reisir vörður á tveimur stærstu Heldur áfram klifrar klettavegg þurr og þreyttur finnur hann hvelfinguna Segir leyniorðið og kemst loks inn endurnærist og telur demantana Endilega, sjái hver hvað sem hver vill út úr þessu ;)

Let me (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
Bring your babies addicted bring them forth and let them lick let them lick the pavement Syringes dirty with HIV blood-cells taunting you to taste them let them dig deep deep in your blood stream Let the cries open your mind feel them slap and let them crack crack you open like me Apartment buildings raped to ashes Quiet the sirens and let them fuck you fuck you through Let me lick deep let me dig you let me crack you open let me fuck you through

Kvöldstundar geðveiki (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
Um þetta leyti í gær féll heimur minn saman hjartað lagðist inn í sjálft sig og grét Hún sagðist ekki viss hvort þetta væri rétt sagðist ekki vilja vera með mér Ein af þessum stelpum sem ég veit frá byrjun að þær munu reyna' að éta mig upp Hún gróf sig alveg innst og ég óttaðist ei að hún myndi leyfa sér að drepa

Mig langaði svo (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
Skelli “Dátanum” í og ýti á play Trommurnar drynja og ég leggst Ég og koddinn, í góðum fíling “Down a long and dusty trail” Færi löppina og rekst Í spilarann og finn sting Þennan hálfrar sekúndu verk Sem þú finnur þegar allt Rennur í greipum Spilarinn fellur, tannhjólið smellur og diskurinn skellur Í gólfið í smalli, brotin um allt aaah feck! uppáhaldsdiskurinn minn í rúst. Líkaði aldrei mikið við Dátann, en ég man að ég keypti hann á afmælisdeginum þínum vantaði afsökun í Hagkaup, gekk að...

Fall from the sky (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
As the swallow sings my name my name is not the same To fall, to let, to say to call, to get, to stay The tear crawls up my cheek, can't fall ‘cuz it’s too weak Afraid that it might break I cry but it looks fake I won't say I'm glad with this when all I get is longing and miss The man dressed in white stands at my bed He fell for his own blight and things that he himself said His eyes tell stories to none His thoughts tell him nothing And no more does he come nore my dreams does he sing...

A letter sans ink (11 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
I raise my glass To bloodied lips bloodied by my own Began this text to be heard once before my lips be sown I write my last with fingertips slid along this knife Last futile gasp perhaps turn back lay down this crimsoned knife To late, I say You did me so You placed me here, where I am You harlot, you whore You harlequin, slut disguised in this fleece of a lamb “You promised me that things would never get like this Now after all what you have done is only this You kept me here told me to...

Post coital wondering (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
Á nöktu baki skín í þyrnirós þakta svörtum blöðum Herðarnar sleppa lakinu neðar, niður á læri Gengur frá mér nær dynjandi rúðu og hvítnar í ljósi Máninn leikur og regnið brenglar útlínurnar verða mynd Ég sé engil vængirnir blakta meðfram síðum hennar Lakið loðir svitinn storknar hjartað hægir á sér Hún veit af en vill ekki sjá að ég er hérna enn

Post coital wonderings (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 4 mánuðum
Á nöktu baki skín í þyrnirós þakta svörtum blöðum Herðarnar sleppa lakinu neðar, niður á læri Gengur frá mér nær dynjandi rúðu og hvítnar í ljósi Máninn leikur og regnið brenglar útlínurnar verða mynd Ég sé engil vængirnir blakta meðfram síðum hennar Lakið loðir svitinn storknar hjartað hægir á sér Hún veit af en vill ekki sjá að ég er hérna enn

No, can I? chpt. 3 (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
The ways in which I loved you would never run to naught we always seemed to be there when one was not ok What ever we could go through what ever we had faught we always ended up rolling in the hay I loved you All around our city caused rumours ‘round n’ fuss hand in hand in wedlock the laughter always first We ignored the pity that was given on to us until that day, that rock came hurling, with a burst I screamed

No, can I? chpt. 2 (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
I don't think you noticed ever really, never And just kept playing with me cuz' we were bestest friends And never when we practised kissing, on eachother You ever really questioned that we were bestest friends I loved you We never really went any further, did we? I truly, deeply hope we didn't go too far I think I just can´t all the manners that we felt, and dreamed and hoped we wouldn't grow apart I love you
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..