Gleymt lykilorð


Re: Strategy áhugamál!!

í Hugi fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
sttu mig líka á listann :P<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: WTF: daddara

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
hv aðe ra ðger as t???<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: nýr bíla klúbbur var að byrja

í Bílar fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
refur89 þú ert öruglega ekki orðin 18: “pappi pappi” kannt ekki íslensku bwahahahahahahahahaha….

Re: Til að kvelja ykkur...

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
ég panta að taka leikinn! :P<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Til að kvelja ykkur...

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Ææi skjóttu þig :)<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Andskotans bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Jú ég keypti hann í bt, æi ætli ég skreppi ekki bara út í bt og skypti<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Hjálp!!!!!

í Teiknimyndir fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
þú átt að geta gert preview!!<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.


í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
geturðu hlustað á diskinn og allt sem er á honum??<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Busta Rhymes - It Ain't Safe No More

í Hip hop fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Busta Rhymes rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;P

Re: Desert Combat

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
virkar allseeing eye fyrir desert compat?<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Kúkur

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Hvað ertu gamall/gömul????????????enþá á “shit and pee” aldrinum hehe<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Sjónvarp....

í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Ohh var þetta svala tússaða sjónvarpið<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Desert Combat

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
hvernig virkar þetta desert compat, er þetta eins og cs oná half life eða….<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Sry

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
þið mættu fara með þetta á eitthvað áhugamál á tilverunni en mér er drullu sama , einu sinni þegar ég var lítill þá var frændi minn að kasta mér upp í lofðið og grípa mig aftur og aftur þangað til mamma mín kallaði hann inn í eldús og hann truflaðis og hann gleymdi að grípa mig, þá fékk ég að kynnast gólfinu vel <br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on...

Re: Sry

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
þið mættu fara með þetta á eitthvað áhugamál á tilverunni en mér er drullu sama , einu sinni þegar ég var lítill þá var frændi minn að kasta mér upp í lofðið og grípa mig aftur og aftur þangað til mamma mín kallaði hann inn í eldús og hann truflaðis og hann gleymdi að grípa mig, þá fékk ég að kinnast gólfinu vel <br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on...

Re: Mini-mot 1|2003

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Virkar the all seeing eye fyrir battlefield 1942<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Desert Combat

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
bíddu desert compat er það ekki bara map í bf1942 eða…<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Videosorp

í Sorp fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
þetta ver hálfgerður brandari (en vídeoið mitt spólar samt hægt)<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.


í Tilveran fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
já<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Bf1942 Þjónar

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
takk :P<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Skömm að yankee og baldri!

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
þyrlur!! ég hef aldrey heyrt um þyrlur í bf <br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Bf1942 Þjónar

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
og hver er besti þjónnin (ég er nefnilega að fara kaupa leikinn) :P ég mun mæta sterkur inn sem Nikki21 og er professional sniper (ég hékk nefnilega í demóinu sem var uppi á sínum tíma)<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Spá í að kaupa Bf1942???

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Duga 800 mhz?<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Spá í að kaupa Bf1942???

í Battlefield fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
Havadda meina??<br><br>Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.

Re: Pantaðu Pizzu og hafðu gaman

í Sorp fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
HAhahahahahahahah!! Þetta er bara hreyn snilld :P (er ybsilon eða i í hreyn)
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..