Gleymt lykilorð


Re: Nerf?

í Blizzard leikir fyrir 18 árum, 8 mánuðum

Re: Chihuahua strákur til sölu

í Hundar fyrir 19 árum, 5 mánuðum

Re: T-Shirt Slogans

í Húmor fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
I live in my own little world.. but dont worry, they know me here… Sometimes I just wanna put on a pink bunny suit and scream.. Dont lead me to temptation.. I can find it myself -Mýsla :)

Re: Be strong honey...

í Húmor fyrir 21 árum, 11 mánuðum
mmm.. pass me that vaseline baby!

Re: hvor er betri?

í Húmor fyrir 21 árum, 12 mánuðum

Re: 52 leiðir til að losna af stefnumóti !

í Húmor fyrir 21 árum, 12 mánuðum
oojjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj “Tyggðu með opinn munninn, talaðu með fullann munninn og frussaðu um allt!” who would do such a thing? *remembers a time when she did this..* .. nevermind..

Re: Þriðja Trivian

í Harry Potter fyrir 22 árum
1 Karkaroffs first name is Igor 2 Dont know this one.. never remembered it.. 3 Quirrels turban was purple.. i think 4 The car Harry and Ron flew in was a 58 Ford Anglia 5 Eagle and Lion? 6 The shop is called Gladrags 7 Ginny's real name is Virginia Weasely 8 Mr Dursley works at Grunnings Drills 9 The teacher who predicts, and teaches how to predict in tea lives is Professor Sibyll Trelawney Well this was rather easy.. 'Twas fun tho :) -Mýsla

Re: karlrembubrandarar!!!

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum
when a girl says that these jokes are funny.. they better f***ing be great… bwhahah.. nice job :D -Mýsla

Re: Nýjar og gamlar pælingar

í Húmor fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
hehe.. those are funny.. how about : Why do people in america order two double quarter pounder hamburgers with cheese, a large fries, and a large DIET coke? :)

Re: trance vs techno

í Danstónlist fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Can i get a clear cut statement of what the difference between trance and techno is?? Im getting really confused by reading all of that…
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