Gleymt lykilorð


Texti. (2 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 15 árum, 6 mánuðum
People don't know cause I rhyme mysterious So that makes em get delirious Haters today just get me furious Today im the only dog in the fight Rappers today got no bark and no bite I could be small and still kill em in height So now i go so hard that im micro soft And haters dont get the death in the loft Now haters starting to repel I can get as funny as chapelle But act better then will Ferrel Haters hear the bell and they run i gotta gun So bullets fly while haters die And my hands...

Rhymes (13 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 15 árum, 6 mánuðum
rap aint bout cars and fame/ its about making a name/ plus you gotta stay in the game/ and watch where you aim/ and bout the title you claim/ No hatin

Unfinished lyrics (11 álit)

í Hip hop fyrir 15 árum, 7 mánuðum
Wanted to be an MC/ y'all said i must be crazy/ so i told them my flow were the only thing crazy/ and my rhymes like so sick/ and my beat so loud you'd get heartsick maffaka/
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