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LulliB Notandi frá fornöld 44 ára karlmaður
686 stig

Where is all the love? (5 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Where is all the love in world lost in the dark they do not know a word waiting for their children to die in the park Love with hate has burst and war has killed the innocent greedy and needy die for lust and sell their souls for a cent Our youth plays a big part in the movie Play the ones that are groovie Where is all the love in the world? Lost in the sea? To many of us are blind and can not see what they are doing to you and me Where is all the love?

Where is all the love (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum, 7 mánuðum
Where is all the love lost in the dark they do not know how to evolve waiting for their children to die in the park Love with hate has burst and war has killed the innocent greedy and needy die for lust and sell their souls for a cent And when we watch the news with horrible disgrace discuss our points of views while we destroy our place The youth plays a big part in our movie plays the innocent that are smart and groovie plays the ones that we command and the ones that we blame with hatred...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..