Gleymt lykilorð


Re: The legend of Zelda ocarina of time

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
einmitt,how could u guess? <br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts


í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
lappann..bíddu við..mac þá?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Ljóð (frumsamið)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
Hell fire eða Flames of hell!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Finntroll----Snillingar af guðs náð!!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
syngja þeir á ensku eða finnsku:COB?

Re: My road to (Salv/Playst)ation (ath fanboy skrifun)

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
bahh!!ég skil ekki sona stjórnmál..

Re: The legend of Zelda ocarina of time

í Leikjatölvur fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
átti þetta að fara sem grein? mistök heheh..sammála samt,þetta er snilldarleikur!! næstbesta leikjasería i heimi að mínu mati..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Finntroll----Snillingar af guðs náð!!

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
eru ekki Children of bodom finnskir líka?

Re: jeG elZkA ÞeNaN leig

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
hvaða leik “elskaru”?<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Final Fantasy 5

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
þetta er nu ikke grein pjakkur minn en ef þu ert að tala um hvenær FF5 kemur út í PS,þá er hann löngu kominn…<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Ljóð (frumsamið)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
þú ert nú vanur að koma altaf upp úr jörðinni með hamagangi í flestum leikjunum..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Hahaha, kíkið á þetta :)

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
flott gert..funky parts(no comment) as always!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Einhver að selja Final Fantasy VII?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
eg myndi ekki selja minn undir 17.000!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Hættir að sína á popp tívi

í Teiknimyndir fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
eru þeir ekki ennþá? <br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Dimmu Borgir

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
það er kraftur í þessari grein!! Þetta band hefur alltaf verið af einum mínum uppáhalds böndum.. ..bestu lögin mín með þeim eru: Burn in hell,Metal heart,Mourning palace,Puritania og Stormblast.

Re: Að kaupa diska, plötur, kasettur, annað.

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
þetta er sniðugt..

Re: Rammstein - Lichtspielhaus

í Metall fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
alltaf verið ágætis hljómsveit..

Re: Allir "dress-spheres" í FFX-2

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
true,true..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FFX-2 í Evrópu

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
hvenær kemur 'ann þá n-á-k-v-æ-m-lega??<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Tveir nýjir Kingdom Hearts leikir

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
gaur?? er FFVII myndin að koma?? í fokkin alvöru????<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FFX-2? Í dag?

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
sammála..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Besta leið til að fá AP í FFX

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
nenni ekki að pæla í essu,kemur bara að því þegar að því kemur..<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: Í feitum vandræðum!

í Rómantík fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
það er sniðugt en gengur ekki alltaf..

Re: FF á móts við aðra leiki

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
er hann ekki í Super nintendo? djöfullinn,mín er ónýt og það er ómögulega jægt að fá þetta lengur..sem suckar!

Re: Lussu og Gatta.

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
já oki ég prófaði þetta og Gatta homminn drapst hahah,ég get stjórnað framtíð tveggja persóna.. ..i rule as master here where feral hordes imart my temper love sank wounded when i,betrayed saw death etch cruelly,up on my lineage!<br><br>A darkened sky this day her after dies fell swiftly into night and stays within her sight staring at the knife Oh god how ease it was to sacrifice my life, to have her with me! COF/Suicides and other comforts

Re: FF á móts við aðra leiki

í Final Fantasy fyrir 21 árum, 3 mánuðum
game boy leikurinn eða fyrsti leikurinn?
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