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one, two, freddy's coming for you

10 Falleg lög (138 álit)

í Músík almennt fyrir 19 árum, 4 mánuðum
Hvað eru fallegustu lög sem þú hefur heyrt??? Mín lög eru: 1. Anathema - Parisienne moonlight 2. Type O Negative - Summerbreeze 3. Metallica - The Unforgiven 4. Ozzy Osbourn - Dreamer 5. Skid Row - Wasted Time 6. Steel Dragon - We All Die Young 7. XanaX - Prayer 8. Guns N' Roses - Knocking on heavens door 9. Aerosmith - I Don't Wana Close My eyes 10. Led Zeppelin - Stairway To heaven það eru vitanlega miklu fleiri en það er fínt að hafa þau bara 10 :) Endilega kommentið og segið ykkar 10...

???Why??? (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum
Why don't they help me? Why Don't they care? Why don't they listen to my littel pray. They don't understand how I really feel, My life is a thing they are dying to peel. But why don't they listen to me, like they are suppose to do. My life is HELL whit out you. You help me get throw the hardist day's And you really listen to my prays.

Me against the World (6 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 20 árum, 4 mánuðum
The world is awful and I don´t know why, but every thing in it makes me cry. I don´t like to live but I don´t want to die. Please don´t talk to me I'll just start to cry. Every one treats me with disrespect, but I know some day I'll pay them back. I don´t like to live but I don´t want to die. Please don´t talk to me I'll just start to cry. My heart can´t take it, can´t take it any more. I wont kill myself, I promise you I wont. But some day some time I won´t bear it any more, so I'll end my...
  • Síður:
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..